Reviews for Bittersweet Symphony
TFRiD Queen chapter 12 . 1/10/2014
Hiruma deus ex machina. Always.

Ahh...I can't express how I feel with just a word box, but I'll try my best. Seriously, one of the best fics I've ever read across all fandoms (and that's saying a lot) hands down; you gave us not a happy, fairy-tale ending, but a hopeful one, and even though there are lots of feels and things that I almost wish could've turned out differently, it definitely made the characters and story stronger. What's even better is that you focused on two relatively obscure characters, especially since Meg herself gets very little exposure/development in the series (unfortunately). A great gem.
8Silent Dreams8 chapter 12 . 11/13/2013
Homg, this story is amazing! I can't believe it took me this long to find it! I laughed, cried, and felt so many other emotions while reading this! Can't believe you stole Rui's arms, but even with that disbelief it was still great.
Mei chapter 12 . 11/11/2012
AH! I loved this story! Absolutely loved!
The character development, the plot twists, the emotions and feelings of the characters! It was stupendous! Once again, you've easily proven to me that you are one of the best authors in this fandom!
Not to mention that this is THE BEST pregnancy fic I've ever read. Hands down. I've been avoiding pregnancy fics like the plague ever since I started reading one bad one after another, but you have rekindled and renewed my interest in pregnancy fanfics all over again (well, provided that they're good of course. Though something definitely tells me I'm going to be comparing all preggers fanfics to this one...)

Hahah I love how you made Hiruma like Rumpelstiltskin in this fic! And I love how everybody gets their happy ending! For like four chapters, you sent me in a tizzy, heart beating rapidly to try to see what the heck will happen and after 12 beautiful chapters, I've finished such an amazing story!
I hope you do consider my suggestions (FINISH KOUTAROU STAR. I MEAN IT. and possibly write the Hiru/Mamo and/or the Gen/Megu?)
Anyways, I love you and your writing style and I can't wait to reread your ES21 stories... AGAIN!
Bye! Maybe one day in the future, we'll meet again!
Mei Li-chan chapter 11 . 11/11/2012
Can you believe when I first started reading this story, I thought it was going to be a happy pregnancy tale? How wrong was I...
Also, with all this Megu thinking Gen is a sexy piece of ass, you've indirectly gotten me interested in Gen/Megu fufufuuffufuufufufu...
(Could you write one? Gen and Megu?)
Mei chapter 10 . 11/11/2012
And there you go with the wrench again...
I'm serious! How many times are you gonna throw it into the plot before you're satisfied! First, his mother blackmails them. IT seems he doesn't choose her. Hiruma finds her. He's going to help her. Then Tokage calls saying he got in an accident. You think he's better but then... HIS FRICKIN ARMS GET AMPUTATED. WHAT. THE. FUCK?!
You are going to kill me one day! I mean damn! I love you're writing! I adore it absolutely, but you're writing is going to be the death of me someday!
(Oh also, I love the way you made Hiruma in this story. Perfect)
Mei-kun chapter 9 . 11/11/2012
AHHHHHHH! IT'S HIRUMA AGAIN! He seems to make a lot of guest appearances, ne?
Oh jeebs... Just when I thought things were going to get good all over again, shit hits the fan!
I dunno how you're able to do this so spectacularly, but how is it that you're always able to throw a monkey wrench at the plot without me being able to figure it out before hand? And I'm known for my perceptive skills!
Damn, you are so fucking powerful at writing!
MeiMei-chan chapter 8 . 11/11/2012
And the plot thickens... I've literally spent the last eight hours reading your stories. You think I'd get tired lol
Mei-chan chapter 7 . 11/11/2012
Awwwww I love the character development in this chapter! This is so cute!
I've fallen in love with your portrayal of their romance!
Mei-sama desu chapter 6 . 11/11/2012
Geez... Words can seriously not express how hooked I am on this story...
It's so well thought out and written that I'm almost tempted to not review so it won't interfere with the flow of the story (almost being the key word. It's rude not to review. it's even ruder not to review every chapter)
I LOVE YOUR WRITING! Just a request, could you write a Hiru/Mamo? I feel like it'd also be superb!
MEI chapter 5 . 11/11/2012
My heart is beating so fast right now. Bravo. Truly magnificent writing!
(and i love how you keep bringing up people thinking Mamori-nee-chan is Hiruma's woman ;P)
Mei-chan chapter 4 . 11/11/2012
Oh my shit...
Holy hell...
You are one of the most expert writers I have ever seen in establishing moods and feelings and situations.
The last couple lines of the chapter. HOLY. FUCKING. SHIT.
Dude, I thought this chapter was only great until I hit the end. IT'S AMAZING!
Mei Li chapter 3 . 11/11/2012
The flashback made my heart warm! It was pretty cute! As far as first meetings go, I absolutely adored it! (Do you think when you update Koutarou Star, you could put a first meeting flashback between Kouta and Juri with Kouta making a comment on how he was going to make her his gf? That'd be so cute!)

I can't express enough how much I love this Megu! You've really captured the essence of the delinquent female! Though there is one thing I found confusing. Unless another timeskip occurred, how would she have put on weight at only 6 weeks? I mean, I know every woman shows different stages of pregnancy differently, but her baby hasn't even got a brain or limbs or nails yet, so how could she be putting on weight so soon? Just a question.

Anyway, I love love love this story! And can't wait for the Rui/Megu FLUFFFFFFFFF! YA-HA!
MeiMEi chapter 2 . 11/11/2012
Are they dating? Or aren't they?
I can't quite figure it out just yet.
Anyway, wonderful chapter, as I expected. Great development of Megu. I can already see her slightly melting, though her tough exterior still remains.
Hahahah I got tingles when she was remembering when the kid was conceived. In a locker room?! Really? Was it on a frickin wall?
Mei chapter 1 . 11/11/2012
I went through your profile, found your list of stories and found this beauty! Once again, I'm enamored by the first chapter! Cant wait to read this one too! I personally love stories of the managers and their "hubbies" and Rui/Megu is my absolute favorite! (Along with Kouta/Juri, Shin/Waka, Hiru/Mamo, etc hehehhehe)

You've got the gift of adapting your writing style to any characters you're writing. With the Bando, it was sensible, goofy, and fun. With Megu as the center, it's more serious, while still retaining the playfulness of your other story. You've got her pretty much spot on and I like how you didn't start it out by having their relationship be all lovey dovey before the bulk of the story even began! I can't wait for the character development!
(Haha, aren't you happy I won't have to say please update after every chapter?) XDD
Cherry tiger chapter 12 . 6/20/2012
Absolutely loved this. There were certain areas that I felt were kinda OOC and overdramatic, but you have an amazingly written story here. What I love about it the most is that you gave so much depth to Megu and Rui, which was sorely lacking in the original story and that was what made this so enjoyable. Great job and totally faving this!
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