Reviews for Chivalry Sucks
Lovegranted chapter 1 . 9/20/2011
Lelouch finally sounds in character! I'm so happy! sorry, I'm rambling since I read so many fics today ;; threatening CC with pizza is a great tactic! I want to see him dancing with himself too... oh Suzaku... you're too naive, whatever shall we do? I liked your story!
SeigZeon chapter 1 . 1/28/2011
you do very good stories and this one was no different :D
megalomaniageek chapter 1 . 11/21/2010
That was adorable. I think you did a really good job writing both Nunnally and Suzaku, and even Lelouch and C.C. as well. I really like it. chapter 1 . 7/26/2010
Oh, I'm sure you've heard this quite many times before, but what a lovely fic!

While I do admit that part of me will always love anything Nunna-related, this was just. Plain. Awesome. Loved it dearly: the silly sibling interaction, the way the three of them act around and accord each other... loved, loved, loved. :)

xTincampi chapter 1 . 3/23/2010
Ahahaha! Adorable ) Though i would have preferred it if Lelouch had actually gone and hurt Suzaku in some evil way... Oh well! ) Lelouch dancing with 'himself'... I would like to see that )
ndesi62 chapter 1 . 2/27/2010
I love your story. NunnallyxSuzaku was always my favourite Suzaku pairing; his relationship with Euphemia was just too fast-paced and (tragically) short. The concept is great, and it's fairly well-written, too. I'd love to see a follow-up, a NunnallyxSuzaku piece set after the Requiem (or whatever happens to inspire you).

On your Author's Note, the first concept, Dream of the King, actually sounds more interesting to me. However, I've read Of Monsters and Men, and know just how incredible it is, so I encourage you to work on that first. I really, really want to see that finished.
Shiroi mahotsukai chapter 1 . 1/31/2010
I think that the second one sounds better, although the first has it's possibilities for comedy as well as mushy stuff. i do however believe that the second will make a more interesting read
funkmasterjo chapter 1 . 11/5/2009
Interesting. Fluff. Insight endowing. Oneshot.

Basically accomplishes everything it should.
KaoruAoiShiho chapter 1 . 10/6/2008
It was very strange to see Lelouch dancing with himself, especially since they were both glaring at each other: one because it was "in character," and the other because it was most definitely (in his rather biased opinion) not.

OH HAHAHA so brilliant.

PS: Dream of the King is def better. So update it plz/
Keith Fraser chapter 1 . 10/1/2008
Very cute. I liked this bit of dialogue:

"I'm not going to hurt him, Nunnally," Lelouch explained patiently. "I'm going to kill him. Then I'm going to take you out for ice cream."

That last bit cries out for an epic soundtrack chord and a dramatic zoom-in on Lelouch's face.
Nietono-no-Shana chapter 1 . 9/14/2008
This is good stuff! Nunnally/Suzaku is my absolute favorite pairing in Code Geass! Nicely done!
Alastor Vega chapter 1 . 9/9/2008
I always thought CC Pizza limit was 10. Great job.
Ragor9011 chapter 1 . 9/3/2008
Cool story. I'd love to see a sequel.

About the next one, you have me at a conflict. On one hand, Emperor Lelouch and Empress C.C. On the other, Nunnaly talking to a resistance group sympathetically and Nina getting attacked, hopefully. I'm not too sure which to pick. Maybe the first one if it's lengthy.
Captain-Overkill chapter 1 . 8/24/2008
I've read all your Code Geass stuff, and it's pretty good. Your interactions between Nunnally and C.C. are a pleasure to read in particular.

As to your story ideas, I definitely favor number 2, because I'd have liked to see a greater role for Nunnally during the series (and I especially disliked how they handled her during R2 and her killing-off), and of all the Code Geass fics and authors I've read, you'd definitely do the best job of a "Nunnally joins the Black Knights" and/or "Nunnally discovers Lelouch is Zero" fic. The first idea sounds like fun too, but I personally like the second idea best, especially if it's a multi-chapter fic.
For These Texts chapter 1 . 8/23/2008
I love this story! Then again, I love anything that has to do with Code's just addicting!

I like the 1st idea though... Dream of a King. A lot of humor can come out of this... lol
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