Reviews for It Was Your Laugh
kourtney hood chapter 9 . 10/24/2014
its was good but the ending was shit come on really
and yes my really name is hood
wolf-girl-only-in-my-dreams chapter 9 . 4/15/2014
I loved it. I just think it should have been longer.
Silvara.M chapter 9 . 3/21/2013
Type your review for this chapter here...
poopforbrains chapter 9 . 3/9/2012
This story is really, really good. I loved it from first chapter to the last. 3
NorraLynn chapter 3 . 9/19/2011
AWESOME! Ur an awesome writer keep up the good work.
Milloyx chapter 9 . 3/1/2011
i really like it ! xxxxx
AliciaEM chapter 9 . 1/18/2011
Spectacular! I absolutely loved it.
Collided System chapter 9 . 4/13/2010
Lol. Cute, I like it!

It was pretty awesome, kinda cheesy and cliche but who doesn't like that once in a while?

Of course, I'm just an oddball so don't go by me. I'm listening to '80s rock music right now instead of the norm. Lol.

Anyway, I think it was really well-written, even if there were a couple of typos.

Is there a sequel coming up in the near future? *looks hopeful* Yes, no, maybe?
BELLA-lilly chapter 9 . 3/30/2010
I loved this story! i love ur writing style! the only i was sad about was when it ended! D: well i just wanted to compliment ur writing its amazing!
Honey Ze chapter 2 . 2/12/2010
she fainted ! LMAO ! i am laughing really hard now just imagining it xD
LUCY chapter 9 . 1/29/2010
Loved it! Hope u write another story about Embry, He's my favorite! _
lue chapter 1 . 1/28/2010
hahahahahaaha lmfao she fainted!
xxSunshineexxc36 chapter 9 . 1/17/2010
Haha LOVE LOVE LOVED IT! Embry and Evey forever haha.. If you ever find the time, could you please check out my story Holy Imprint!: Seth ? I would love to have your input in it!

Keep writing n rockin..

vattenkanna chapter 9 . 12/9/2009
i liked this, it's the first time i read one of these and it's good...just one question, does evelyn have some kind of sleep disorder? and what kind of pills is she taking? it sounded rather weird, her taking some pills and then being unconscious for a day...might be a good idea to change that or explain it...otherwise, good
Smile chapter 1 . 12/1/2009
the only thing i didnt like was the swearing and call each other babe!i loved everthing about this else, the story was interesting and the charteres were not ooc - which most people make them so thank you. i like how you started with random feelings which then conect to the next part of the story!
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