Reviews for Last Wrestlemania
ryon forte chapter 1 . 5/10/2018
trish and amy look good together. but one thing trish did not know that mickie and melina are dating
Bobbyjohn chapter 1 . 3/8/2009
whoa intense
Classic chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
I disagree with the rest. I think the whole story of Trish and Lita is great. Trish should leave Mickie. It makes more sence because Trish/Lita is always the best! It's the classic femslash couple ! Well it's great so please udate soon.

Trish/Lita woot! woot!
WhereIvegone chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
aww... poor Amy but Trish totally did the right thing...I totally loved the story!
17 chapter 1 . 8/14/2008
Nice little story. Love Trish/Mickie and Trish/Lita goodness and I agree with ImissTrishStratus that it suited that Trish chose Mickie in the story. I'd love there to be more but it's great as a one-shot.
ImissTrishStratus chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Very good stuff.. Flawful Lita makes her return lol. I love that Trish is loyal, even though she had it bad for Lita, loyalty is really under rated. Glad she chose Mickie even though I like both pairings, it just seemed to fit better in this situation. It ought to teach Lita that you can't sit and wait on love for a year and expect it'll still be there. Anyways Trish and Mickie rock lol, as does the story.
Ley93 chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
I'm likeing this off the bat, but if in the end Trish leaves Mickie atlest give a someone else to be with PLEZ!

kai1994 chapter 1 . 8/13/2008
Dude you rock , i love the story and the pairing! Hope you do another one soon.

GRTZ Kai1994!
TJ Sparkles chapter 1 . 8/12/2008
Beautiful work, my dear. I loved this and especially how you could make every emotion in this so vivid. I do remember the Wrestlemania where Lita was in Christy's corner, but for some reason I can't remember the one after that. My memory's going, LOL.

I know I've probably told you this before, but I really love your writing style. You can capture things so effortlessly. Trish & Mickie were adorable in this, and I enjoyed reading this.

It was evident that what had happened between Trish and Amy was something Trish had wanted to leave in the past, probably because of how it had happened. They'd both been drinking and she probably felt like a fool after she told Lita that she loved her. It was heartbreaking that they hadn't been able to make it work, but at least Amy was able to move on with Adam, and Trish with Mickie. Again, Trish and Mickie were adorable. I loved the term of endearment that Trish used for Mickie. "Chica" is a part of my regular vocabulary, LOL.

Wow. Amazing, doll. You never cease to captivate me with your work. Can't wait for more.
