Reviews for Face Value
Liz chapter 44 . 3/24
Hi it’s March of 2020, I like the darker theme you have going for this Naruto story. Question are you like going to somehow get a Naruto story with where he goes though the same thing at Ed from Fullmetal Alchemist like in your other story burying it forward I didn’t now why but I now the I am growing into adulthood I am interested in more blood and stuffing. And stuff to please when you have time write a story when Naruto is like the characters in your other story buying it forward. I really love how that story ended
Evie chapter 44 . 1/10/2019
This certainly has been a journey
jazzy2may chapter 44 . 9/16/2018
you are the amazing one. you finished it. ;D
thank you for your hard work.
Sterre chapter 44 . 3/8/2018
Hi, thank you so much for finishing this story. I think I first read your story when you were just a couple of chapters in about 10 years ago. I found my way back to it now and again and I must have reread the first chapters for at least 4-5 times. It's been a great ride. I think the way you depict the village politics and the distrust and paranoia is way more realistic than the shows depiction. That doesn't detract anything for me from enjoying the show, but I love the darker spin that your story took on the world of Naruto. Again thank you so much for sticking with it. It has gotten a good end now.
Merley chapter 8 . 11/14/2017
that was rape tsunade. thick and thin. so if he asked for it the second time, that doesnt discount him saying no the first. and him already in handcuffs just relays that ... power struggle. its why guards shouldn't screw their inmates. why doctors can't screw their patients.

and of course she destroys the evidence. wouldn't want this to reflect poorly on her best jounin afterall.

this fic really is getting to me. everywheres like a prison. its the best piece of writing i've ever read in a while. my heart feels numb.
Merley chapter 5 . 11/14/2017
ok this is so fucked up
the lines are so blurred but what did i expect?. i honestly can't believe ive taken to a criminal more than kakashi but jen obviously has ulterior motives up his sleeve so im not 100% its just nice seeing someone treat iruka good for a change
you know a lot of what the guy says really makes sense, i think its amazing the way you wrote this, for the converter has to have the kind of charisma to get people on their side that's how these things end up working. if it was used another way, maybe i would have followed him too.
youre amazing
Catacroker chapter 44 . 11/13/2017
Wow, what a ride! Thank you for taking the effort to finish this story. The end was a bit unexpected, as there were several plots still not completely closed, but this could have taken a lor of extra chapters, and I guess you needed to finish it. I already said this is one of my favorite fics os all times, it has a very original approach and the characters evolve and change along the story and keep the reader stuck to it, wanting to know what happens. The mostly happy ending was a relief, poor Iruka and Kakashi finally together, with a little peace in their lives (though it seems this can change at any moment, but for now they are in peace). Genma and Raidou too. About Sai, Danzo and Jeninki, their story is not finished yet, who knows. Please, don't apologize, this story is a gift for us readers. It is only fair that you spend your writing time in a story that motivates you, and some fics just get stuck and drag you down. I appreciate a lot that you finished this one. The important thing is: please, never stop writing, you are very talented.
wawayaya chapter 44 . 10/19/2017
Thannk you so much for creating and finishing such a riveting saga.

Admittedly some parts did leave a bad taste in my mouth and I did not like the way Kakashi was treated by Ibiki. That torture made me wonder why anyone would continue working for them. Seriously, Kakashi could "retire" and become a master chef with his mad knife skills and that Sharringan.

I appreciate that there was sort of a happy ending because I really dislike it when KxI are not together.

The question on my mind is will there be a sequel?
Catacroker chapter 42 . 9/5/2017
I'm so glad you updated this story! It is one of my favourite fics ever. When I saw your update I just had to re-read all the story from the start. I really enjoyed the way Iruka's personality changes through all the things that happen to him. Also, I like the evolution of Kakashi. In the first chapters his character is quite unlikable, but he really changes and improves even if he keeps quite a lot of his darkness. We get to see some of his motivations, and to understand him a bit. Also we see him through the eyes of Iruka, and the other way around, and how their mutual understanding changes things. You really kept me hooked with the horrible things that happen to Iruka and the other characters. I keep wondering if things are ever going to get better, given the sense of fatality in the story. And still I can see some hints of hope for Iruka and Kakashi. I guess you still have some interesting trouble coming their way. I really wish for a happy ending at some degree, as improbable as it seems with the way the story has gone so far. Also, I want to see what happens with Genma, and Sai, and whatever resolution is there for Danzou and Jeninki, they really deserve some kind of retribution. About Tsunade and Ibiki, I wonder if they will continue with their horrible way to manage the village matters, or somehow they will change or realise how harmful they are. This fic inspires me so many feelings and thoughts, thanks so much for updating!
jazzy2may chapter 42 . 8/24/2017
Its a dark but good story. I really am happy to fee this being updated again. 3
jazzy2may chapter 40 . 2/27/2017
so happy to see an update. thank you for continuing to write this. its one of my favorites.
Hatake Tsughi chapter 39 . 12/29/2016
Do glad Kakashi stepped up and let Iruka know his feelings! And Iruka making choice fir himself and letting go of what other peoples opinions of what is respectable job. Munasawagi better be watching his own back I'd hate to see what Danzo would do to him! Congratulations Gem on your escape boy! :( T&I now. Love this story its let reading a novel glad I finally had time to catch up on my reading XD I can't wait for more!
jazzy2may chapter 38 . 9/8/2016
I am so excited. there's a new chapter! Thank you so much!
Sandmiller chapter 38 . 9/8/2016
I'm sorry, but I really enjoyed reading how everyone was manipulating Iruka in that weird, predatory dubcon way. It seems iruka really is in heat. aaaaa I need more!
tralalalaa chapter 16 . 5/25/2016
I was NOT expecting him to come back. - Great story
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