Reviews for Dares or Dates
Sabbie chapter 5 . 8/4/2011

why u leave me hanging? lol

but your fanfic was really good-one of the best I've read :)

hurry up with the next chapter, will you?
crazywhitechick chapter 5 . 3/12/2011
finish this!
Annabec chapter 5 . 5/19/2010
u seriously need 2 write more!
Annabec chapter 5 . 2/7/2010
could u pulez write more chapters?
SinkFish chapter 5 . 10/7/2009
Wow you HAVE to finish this story! PLEASE?
PhoenixSpirit10500 chapter 5 . 8/11/2009
Hurrah, you finally updated this story! I just got back from 3 weeks holiday and had so many story updates. Yours was the first one i have read :D

I really liked the invisibility cloak scene, it shows how Lily is starting to show her feelings...she didn't screech and try to get away from the cloak, she stayed.

The book was also nice- the enchanted rose description. That must mean they are soulmates or something. He loves her more than "strong emotion" lol.

Please update soon! I want to see how it ends :)

Cookie question:... well i'm not very i am gonna say Peter turned into an animal of some sort... amazing guess huh?

CL7 chapter 5 . 8/6/2009
hey im sorry to hear abt ur swine flu ( hope u get better soon!

when i got the email notifying me that u have posted a new chapter, that exact same day i had thought of u ) i swear!all of a sudden i just remembered this story but figured ure still busy at uni..i thought u had probably forgotten abt it!i must be psychic :P

anyway coming to the stroy, i just read the whole thing all over again and i remembered y i loved it so much in the first place D ure a really good writer! i dnt know what my favorite part is but i can definitely say that the more im reading the more im loving all the characters and the plot and just abt everything :D:D

can't wait for the next chapter! take care :)
Goddoesn'tplaydice chapter 5 . 8/3/2009
hi, i have got to tell you how much i liked your fic. I was cooking tea and almost burnt it due to the fact that i got so engrossed in this fic. My mum was thoroughly annoyed with me and i was appologising for ages.

I can't wait for the next part of the fic to come out. I hope it's very romantic as i'm a sucker for romance.



violeteyedkitten chapter 5 . 8/1/2009
Aww! I liked how the flowers tied in! That was a cute chapter!Keep writing!:D


Apocalyptic Carnage chapter 5 . 8/1/2009
i think my favorite part was the scene with the cloak!

it was so sweet and then the scene with Sirius, too funny!
Marudaurgirly chapter 5 . 8/1/2009
Okay, I like this story so much, I need you to update xD Really! Update pleasee!
elliey black chapter 5 . 7/31/2009
hey. loved this chaper...prolly my favorite and funny. especially sirius' initials...sorry bout the swine flu. that's really upsetting. hope you feel better...well...hopefully i'll talk to you later.
sapphirestar11 chapter 5 . 7/31/2009
well, since he said muppet, i'm assuming the drinker takes on the likeness of elmo, and begins to talk like him. o, and executes a choreographed puppet dance. :)
Naunet-inuxkag chapter 5 . 7/31/2009
Amazing story!

I just read all the chapters today and I loved it.

James and Lily are my favorite couple, and you write them totally like I imagine them... not to mention how much I love Sirius in this, the marauders are just about the best thing ever.

Can't wait for next chapter!
Amberjoe chapter 4 . 5/18/2009
Are the flowers alive because of the strength of James' love for Lily? That would make sense...Love the story so far and can't wait for you to update :)
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