Reviews for Purgatory
LaurelLeafSinger chapter 28 . 1/12
So beautiful. Thank you for writing this amazing story!
Guest chapter 22 . 11/18/2017
Edward is Wrath? LOL omg your a moron. That was mean...but really? How could you misconstrue these sins so badly?
Guest chapter 19 . 11/18/2017
wait what? Emmett is greed? Esme is sloth? and Jasper is gluttony? WOW you have these so entirely wrong its not even funny.
Guest chapter 13 . 11/18/2017
Rose became the "beauty" in their lives? um ok? With her manly facial features and droopy boobs...sorry but rose is fucking ugly.
Guest chapter 11 . 11/18/2017
How in the actual fuck is Roses story more painful then Emmetts? Ya she was raped...her wonderful life was fucked up for a whole half hour. Emmetts life was shit. His father was a douche, they were poor, his brothers turned against him, he watched his sister fucking die! But you say that roses story is the most painful to tell?

Rose can go fuck herself. Must have been real hard to grow up in a loving rich two parent home. ohhhh the pain.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/18/2017
Well Emmett's end was strange wasn't it? Bears don't really go for the jugular do they? Not once in all my years of living in Alaska have I heard of a bear attack that involved a bear going for the jugular. LOL

I don't mean to be rude but this is getting dumber and dumber.
Guest chapter 8 . 11/18/2017
What? What have you done to Emmett? He doesn't lust for power what the fuck? He just some good ol boy from the fucking sticks!

I would think he was more content to not have anything then anyone else. that may be Emmett but power hungry? I fucking think not.
Guest chapter 7 . 11/18/2017
You make Alice out to be such a victim which is weird to read because we all know that we have no real information about her past. So how can we know that shes a victim? Shit she could have murdered all the little girls that were prettier then her before she was locked up, we just don't know...ya I still hate alice. LOL
Guest chapter 6 . 11/18/2017
Mental wards really weren't that bad in the 20's. Yes there was still a bout of crazy doctors that fancied themselves scientists but they were much worse before that. By the 20's most of the archaic, misinformed medical treatments were already weeded out. Not to say that some hospitals or asylums didn't still practice "treatments" that today are absolutely unthinkable, because they did. I'm just saying the 20's weren't the worst time to be crazy.
How would you like to stay at Bedlam when it opened in the 1200's? Or when Kansas law gave the greenlight to castrate people with mental illnesses. I read that Bedlam wasted no time in scheduling surgeries. No thank you.
Guest chapter 5 . 11/18/2017
I doubt alice is all that innocent. She was crazy in her human life and crazy people do crazy and sick things. I bet her mom committed her cause she killed her sister in a jealous rage over a colored hair tye or pretty dress. Or she was jealous of her own mother and tried to play up daddy.

I hate Alice. I hate her in every story ive ever read because I hate meddling attention seeking cunts. So I like to imagine that shes seriously fucked up and evil. And only playing sweet and nice.
Guest chapter 3 . 11/18/2017
To what are you referring when you say in the time of Cromwell? Are you talking about a specific Cromwell? When I hear the name I think of Oliver but he was a puritan not a protestant.

Those confuse me a bit. I know they were both sought reforms to Christianity in the 1500's but I don't quite understand the difference. Is it like believing in the same thing but differently? This is a serious simplification but its like two people think oranges are great but one believes its a fruit that grows in the sun and the other believes its a vegetable that eats your face if you look at wrong.
Guest chapter 2 . 11/18/2017
I'm confused. Carlisle thinks he raised leaders? All they really do is go to school over and over. They're not exactly leaders are they? They're losers! Not one of them have a job, not one!
Rose has probably never earned a dollar in her life. Edwards a whiny know it all. Alice is a annoying meddling shopaholic. What to be proud of REALLY?
therecklesspath chapter 28 . 3/12/2017
Thank you for a wonderful, captivating, heartbreaking intriguing and enthralling story. I can't remember the last time I read a fanfic from the beginning to the end. Yours held my attention from the very beginning. TY
therecklesspath chapter 27 . 3/12/2017
Though I am not a fan of the 'Cullen's vampire family' your retelling of their tales and how they came to be make me love them all.
therecklesspath chapter 26 . 3/12/2017
I love the love Esme has for Edward with no judgement nor disappointment but a mother unconditional love.
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