Reviews for My Performance
Guest chapter 4 . 1/19/2016
I guess chapter 4 never went.
maltose chapter 4 . 11/3/2013
Guest chapter 4 . 10/25/2013
Oh lovely. An author's note taking up a chapter, to tell you she's going to POST a new chapter, which, of course, she never does.

If you're thinking of reading this, don't even bother. She isn't going to finish it.
HawthornMirror4 chapter 4 . 2/5/2010
i need to read more of this story! complete it please! it rocks!
dirge.of.morning chapter 4 . 9/1/2009
Hoo hah yo! ;)
Pendragon.P a s s i o n chapter 4 . 9/1/2009

awsumm fic..TOTALLY lov!

andalice chapter 4 . 6/1/2009
Hi, I really love this story so far. All the characters are really well written, especialy Dr Cox, he's dead on in character IMO. Hope this gets upated sometime anyway :)

Alice xx
lil joker 1989 chapter 4 . 1/17/2009
please please update i want to see what is going to happen with JD and Perry O_o
HeadingNorth chapter 4 . 1/16/2009
No! Don't leave it there! Please, please finish this soon.
astrum-faith chapter 4 . 1/12/2009
Dude, keep going, please!

I have to know what happens next! I mean, seriously! Dr Cox has just gone mental on everyone, and we still don't know what happened to that Lynch-psycho-guy! Please, you have to udpate!
donttouch chapter 4 . 1/11/2009
Don't get your panties in a bunch there Nancy, I'm still here ;)
Moofle-Deedums chapter 4 . 1/4/2009
I really do hope you continue on with this story. I really like it a lot. :) Keep up the good work, darlin'.

Saiyuri of the Red Shadow chapter 4 . 1/3/2009
OMG! I love this story! I can't wait until you update. I absolutely love the way your story has unfolded and how clearly you describe the characters and their feelings. Please update soon! I'll give you a cookie
omnipotent otaku chapter 4 . 12/4/2008
You have to continue! I just started reading this today and I'm in love with it. Loving the plot and the characterization. There are some things you probably should research before posting but I like the fic too much to really complain about that. ;D Please continue!
Graffiti2DMyHeart chapter 4 . 11/24/2008

I just uncovered this beauty and I must say, please continue! D,:

I never expeced the psycho to take Jack; big thing right there!

I wondered what Perry's excuse was and BAM! it hit hard.

Great story and I know how performances take up time. *Nods*

You are excused. I understand.

Please continue this and update soon! I love this story.
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