Reviews for Crystal Clear
DethRose chapter 6 . 3/23/2009
Lol! Please write another adventure with Flotsam! THat was hilarious. Poor Jareth. :P
magialuna chapter 1 . 11/20/2008
I LOVE this. I don't think I've ever seen a fanfic from the POV of a goblin! I've seen positive portrayals, but not from their POV. This is really, really cool. Thanks for posting it! -Clare
sylphxpression chapter 6 . 8/8/2008
Oh ye GADS! Jareth... Bog... Rodents! Oh!
sylphxpression chapter 5 . 8/8/2008
Oh no! Jareth's THRONE, his CLOTHES... There will be tears before bedtime...
LadyVampyreMiya chapter 6 . 8/8/2008
Lawl! More! More! More!

Aww, poor Goblin King XD

But what happened to the Socerer? Hrm...

I'd love to hear more from the lovable Flotsam - just one question, is said Goblin a he or a she? I always thought Flotsam was a guys name, but the reflection was a girl... Im confused :S

Anyways, awesome story and I really want more! Yay! :P

sylphxpression chapter 4 . 8/5/2008
Oh boy. Now Jareth's off his turf with a partially treacherous goblin as his only companion. FUN... Is that guy Merlin, or Merlyn or Myrridan, or Ambrosius by any chance? (The welsh accent gave it away...)
sylphxpression chapter 3 . 8/5/2008
Jareth may actually be given a run for his money.
sylphxpression chapter 2 . 8/5/2008
oh, ye gods! The poor klutz! HaHA hahaha! At least it was only the Oubliette. So he wants to forget her, huh? May not be the best of choices in this case.
sylphxpression chapter 1 . 8/5/2008
I sympathize with the goblin... Mothers. You can't talk to the unless you make an appointment.
LadyVampyreMiya chapter 4 . 8/4/2008
no! you can't kill Flotsam! poor little goblin.. all he wanted was a nice revenge.. mean socerer :P

more? :D

notwritten chapter 4 . 8/4/2008
Flotsam has to live.

This was a very interesting and pleasant chapter that you have written. So keep smiling, and have a nice day tomorrow. :-)
Kore-of-Myth chapter 4 . 8/4/2008

And so not the Wiseman, - definitely a twist o nthings though.

And, um, I think you should do one quick read through of this chapter. I think you could use commas in several places, and I saw a sentence that had a comma instead of a period at the end. The first Jareth after the linebreak needs an apostrophe, and 'with out' should be one word.

*cries* I hate being nit-picky...

Keep Writing! I'm really enjoying this so far!
Kore-of-Myth chapter 3 . 8/4/2008
The Wise Man! I think...

Funny chapter - Flotsam has a plan, yay! I can't wait to see Jareth's act in retaliation.

Just a note: it should be 'Bog of Eternal Stench' and "Do you understand know..." should be "Do you understnad now..."

Keep Writing!
LadyVampyreMiya chapter 2 . 8/4/2008
ha ha! aw, poor Flotsam :P

love it! :D

Kore-of-Myth chapter 2 . 8/3/2008
ROFL! Great self-insert - really, who would have known? I think my favorite part was the comment on the room being made out of glass. Priceless!

Another note - um, unless they spell it differently where you are it should be 'choking' instead of 'chocking'. I think it may be one of those words that varies from place to place...

Keep Writing!
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