Reviews for Requiem for a Lullaby
Guest chapter 11 . 9/8/2014
Urgh, this is beautiful though I still have some parts I don't quite understand.
Thank you for this fic!
tacnes chapter 11 . 3/14/2011

I was so depressed the whole time reading this XD

And I nearly cried in happiness at the end :D

Awesome story! Made me cry (I'm too emotional) but your a really good author!
Blissdreamer chapter 5 . 2/23/2011
This story deserves more love. It's very well written, the descriptions are beautiful. The emotions are so vaguely portrayed but strangely very keenly felt. Gorgeous. Keep up the awesomeness.
Pri-ThePuppeteer chapter 11 . 5/18/2010

If Reborn couldn't have the women, he will, at list, have her child! Chan chan chaaaaaaaaan!

Okey, ignore that.

Suddenly I got this sensation for read something of Yamamoto and Reborn 3_3, and trough that found this fic xD not exactly what I was cheking but I still liked it! XD

Thanks for not killing Yamamoto at the end.

I confese that there was some parts that I got confused x_x but at list I understood the main plot... I like to think that I did




My english is not the best. but it's something xD yay!
KusajishiFukutaicho chapter 10 . 11/7/2009
Gosh. I'm confused.

And I blame my poor memory. -grabs head-

argh...anyways, I'm too sleepy to think now...-yawn-

Update soon!(:

~The Absolutely Hopeless Goku-fanXP
KusajishiFukutaicho chapter 9 . 8/22/2009
THAT WAS GREAT! I do really hope that Tsuna will be safe...-keeping fingers crossed- cuz if not dear goku-chan would be horribly terribly sad and I hate to see that...DX

Fufufu~This story is getting more and more interesting...XD

And I'm kinda sad that people juz favourite my story without leaving me a comment or sth):

Oh well...

Update soon pwease!

You're ending this story already):


~The Absolutely Hopeless Goku-fanXP

P.S. Is it juz me or you didn't reply to my previous review? -pout- Or maybe it's juz my short-term memory...-grins sheepishly-
the e t e r n a l -STORY chapter 9 . 8/22/2009
The ending threw me for a loop. Oh my. Poor Takeshi. :( The poor guy. And it seems completely plausible to me that this could happen, making it even sadder,
marinamer chapter 9 . 8/22/2009
You've captured all of them so well! I really like this story. It's very interesting, the relationship between the characters. Hope to read more soon! Thanks.
Chaerring Trinity chapter 8 . 7/28/2009
Oh man! Bluebell's in! And what exactly did Reborn do to Takeshi...? What exactly did Mukuro and Hibari notice? XD I can't wait for the next chapters.
the e t e r n a l -STORY chapter 8 . 7/28/2009
Ah...I don't quite understand what is going on at this point (Mukuro and Reborn, you bastards, what on earth have you done?) And I think something with splitting Yamamoto's attribute came into play...anxiously awaiting your next chapter, and hoping it will clear things up for me. xD

Poor Yamamoto...:(
KusajishiFukutaicho chapter 8 . 7/28/2009
Reborn and Azzura? W-Wow...and I suddenly felt as if Tsuyoshi killed Reborn….an extremely strange feeling…..Was Reborn the one who killed Azzura? I can’t remember…and that….that girl….was that Bluebell? –horrified- Yamamoto, why won’t you wake up already? –growl- This chp was so sad…. Aw~DX And the ominious feeling….is suspicious. But I shan’t comment. Can’t wait for your next chp~!XD

As always,

The Absolutely Hopeless Goku-fanXP

P.S. And yes. The purpleness is annoying. –glares at it-
Ginger Guardian Angel chapter 7 . 7/13/2009
Holy cruddle sticks. 0_0



Can't wait to see the rest of this.
ImJustNutty chapter 7 . 7/9/2009 Yamamoto ever going to wake up and get better? He's not exactly my favourite character but you're torturing him a lot! You seem to be enjoying it anywaes. XD
shadowalchemist198 chapter 7 . 7/6/2009
... Holy crap. You really need to update this! I like it! I can't wait! *goes insane with excitement*
KusajishiFukutaicho chapter 7 . 7/4/2009
Whoa,I'm really dizzy~*wobble*

I've not read this thing for too long...

And I forgot what it was abt...-sigh-

I'll go back to read the previous chp I guess...

-reads your review reply- Indeed, true...I can imagine him doing that too...Gee, thanks~XD By my fic, which one were you talking about?

Mi pare di capire, Decimo or Staccatissimo?

But from the way you said, it SHOULD be Staccatissimo right?

that's the only 8059 fic I wrote after all...[still hating myself for it...8059 isn't even my OTP~!]

As for Mi pare di capire,'s mainly 5927 hehe...

Nice chp! The development was so cool:D


The Absolutely Hopeless Goku-fanXP
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