Reviews for Alone
derektomlinson chapter 1 . 10/26/2019
mirai videl hissing saying that to mirai sayianman don't you dare say you will be back ok you listen here son gohan i don't want you to die you already lost one arm what's next your life let d take bulma s time machine and escape to a time with no androids
Derek chapter 1 . 5/5/2019
Videl to gohan i don t care if we are in minai time zone or in our time zone by your side is where I belong
gabelou1991 chapter 1 . 2/9/2016
J'aime bien.
ThisStoryIsAmazing chapter 1 . 6/24/2010
As the name says, A-mazing.
DigimonTamersFan chapter 1 . 6/23/2009
again another awesome story. U going to a writer when u grow up?
Jrik23 chapter 1 . 5/16/2009
Wow, I would really like you to finish this story. I think this story should proceed to when Gohan dies.
Mademoiselle chapter 1 . 3/1/2009
I really enjoyed reading this fic. I think you've gotten Mirai Videl's character down to a tee. It was nice to see her having some of that pushiness and bossiness that her regular timeline character has so much of. I think you've done an equally good job of capturing Mirai Gohan's character too. I like your take on the Mirai Gohan/Videl realtionship and if you decided to continue, I'd be all for reading it
Itachi's apprentice chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
Wow that was great, I believe that you really captured Gohan spirit, and I can't wait to read more of your work.
illegiblewriter chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
Very sweet and heart-warming, and -very- well-written. I love Mirai G/V, the tragic romance never ceases to get me. Especially because you know they really -do- get a happy ending... just somewhere else.

Anyway, I really loved this fic, it's grammatically correct, flows nicely and keeps a beautiful tone. Just the right pace and length for what you set out to do. Great job!

LinkOOT chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
Not bad. Mind you, I will say I am a sucker when it comes to these future G/V's. I don't know... They always just seem to be written the best, and this one is no exception.
Lucesco chapter 1 . 7/25/2008
You're making it very difficult for me to write a constructive review. Can't you just leave a few spelling mistakes here and there so I can at least say 'get a beta-reader' if I can't think of any advice?

I read this twice and I liked it very much. Only the second time I came across a few things that I have to mention. I have the feeling that the introspection started too soon. An introspection usually follows an observation, and in this case the observation was the blood coming from Gohan's mouth, but it felt a bit too short. It's like you've been searching for an introduction and just went with something short because you couldn't think of anything else. Next time you could make the observation more elaborate or add other things he observes, like the pain in certain places or his surroundings. It could make the general flow of the story better and it creates an anticipation with the readers so they're more likely to continue reading.

Also, I'd think that the information of Gohan being an alien would move Videl more. Her saying that it explains a lot sounds too simple. Think what would go through a human mind if someone told them he was an alien. Disbelief, doubt, wariness, shock, curiosity, maybe fright. It something that goes beyond the realm of probability. Maybe you should have reflected that.

But despite those two things I really liked it. Especially the concept of a little bit of a light bulb in the darkness and having dreams about something, even though you know it's unlikely to reach under the circumstances. It's an interesting theme. The writing style is as usual, very good, and I especially enjoyed the dialogue between Gohan and Videl. I'd say you shouldn't continue. I'd probably like it if you wrote more for this, but you already made your point and if you continue you might lose it in the rest of the story. Your choice though, I'll read it anyway if you decide to update.
G. Login chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
That was great. Gohan and Videl are together even in the other timeline. In the show they should have continued the episode where Trunks kills the andriods and Cell. Then finds out that Pan was born shortly after Gohan died.

If you knew what the girls want to do to you…”

He should have taken advantage of that. Someday in that timeline an army of 1/4 saiyans may have been the ones to stop the andriods if Trunks failed.
Reviewer chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
wow...nice story...well written

why not continue this story ... with a happy ending.

without need of time travel...something like gohan going into time chamber etc...
Neko Gohan chapter 1 . 7/24/2008

That's not fair! I want to read more of this work of art!

This is a beautiful. It's written so well, and it's incredibly canon.

I just don't want it to end there! You could go on, you could write a prequel... I just want more!

Then again, I guess that's what makes it a good one-shot. It's so damn good, the readers can't let it go!

Well Done, and All The Best,

Neko Gohan.
SoftballRocker96 chapter 1 . 7/24/2008
I am so in love with your writing. You put so much emotion into that you feel what they are feeling. That is the best way to write.
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