Reviews for SoundCheck
CeruleanStarGlow chapter 1 . 8/5/2008

PhantomoftheTechShop chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
haha, Roger can be so amusing, though Mark is understandably tense; i should know, i did tech for my last 2 years of high school (mostly setbuilding & running lights). Joanne was probably about to touch a halogen bulb, if you touch them with bare hands, the oil from your fingers gets on the glass, and they can explode once they're on & warmed up.

Roger imitating Scar should be fun, especially if he does Be Prepared, i love that song.
katyfaise chapter 1 . 7/19/2008
That was funny. In an everyone loves sailor mouthed Mark kind of way.

And for some reason one line made me just.. laugh so much. I have no idea why either. "Maureen was only God knew where, and Roger… was sitting on a box." It was just great.
MoowitMi324 chapter 1 . 7/19/2008
haha! gotta love Roger. this is good. :)
broadwaybaby4205 chapter 1 . 7/19/2008
-dies laughing- That was HILARIOUS! I loved it! I always wondered what happened at that random sound check...ahahahaa. This was fabulous! J'adored it! You're a very talented writer! Please write more RENT fics soon! :)

-said in whiny four year old voice- Now I wanna see Roger's impression of Scar from The Lion King! XD.
Reviewer chapter 1 . 7/19/2008
That was hilarious! I laughed really hard at the image of Roger pretending to be Maureen.

"Pookie! Don't put your finger there!"

LOL. Will Roger imitate Scar now? I want to see that, hehe.