Reviews for Alphabet Soup
Lady Brookelle chapter 9 . 7/7/2014
Can't wait for the next chapter!
Deathcomessoon chapter 9 . 1/14/2011
I'm not sure if you are continuing it, but it's really good so far and I'm hooked :P. It's really great!
Aurora-16 chapter 9 . 5/25/2010
very good story so far, thoug you need to finish it please an thank you. i like the fact that this character is in a way attached to light and l. i personally think that light needs his human side portrayed a littl emore while he still has it, although by the end of teh show, he didnt anymore. you have done a very good job and i look forward to reading your next update...oh and cyber ice cream cake to you!
CakesInTheSummer chapter 9 . 4/16/2010

I want MORE! *fangirl scream* i love this!

please update

keep up the great work! (-)
Pamela Dracula chapter 1 . 11/21/2009
I love this. It's a great fanfic. Keep on going, dear friend! I'll help you in your writer's block.
potpourrie chapter 9 . 6/25/2009
twenty bucks says it's her slime ball ex-boyfriend's fault that she can't/won't be able to get pregnant. D

anyway, hi, i'm gwenn, nice ta meetcha.

asami is quite the character. she's strong enough to take care of a deathly ill ryuzaki, but she still needs comfort after her brother was put in a coma. understandably, it is a traumatic incident.

i noticed how l never says he loves her, and that got me a tad nervous; he may not be playing with her feelings, but he may be giving her false hope. :

if it came down to the wire, would light be able to kill asami. their relationship is described as being that of a sister and brother. would the 'brother' be able to order the death of his 'sister'? i for one think it would be an interesting scenario. damn me and my love for depressing situations. ;)

i'll admit, the hospital chapter was my favorite as well. it was the first real romantic-esque situation that asami and l were put in, even if he was in a delirious state most of the time.

so, uh, i can't really think of anything else to say, other than i hope you will be updating sooner rather than later~


Leynadoodles chapter 9 . 3/22/2009
please update! This is awesome!
the-oncoming-dragons chapter 9 . 3/19/2009
I love this chapter and this story! You are a wonderful writer. You write L very well and I love how you mixed Asami into the story. I can't wait for the next chapter. Please update soon! )
Taru chapter 9 . 3/4/2009
Ugh. You should add more. I keep checking for updates almost every day. UPDATE SOON! XD

Tashio chapter 9 . 1/6/2009
You know, when I first looked at you story, I was afraid to read it. it was because of the the Tragedy that your story is categorize into. I never like reading Tragedy story every, but when I started to read your story, I found it very interesting, so yes I starting very like it, and I am hoping that L will not die here. It really going to hurt me when one of the main characters died, that is the reason why I avoid Tragic story.
CK chapter 9 . 1/5/2009
Congrats on the update! I'm a bit worried that L won't admit he loves Asami, but I guess that means I'll just have to read more. Meanwhile, will go read Third.

"Doesn't that strike you as a little imbalanced?" L? Imbalanced? Hell no.
isolde2257 chapter 9 . 1/5/2009
This was a nice surprise after a shoddy day. Although...the plot of the chapter, not the writing itself, felt kind of rushed. It would have been nice to see what L or Asami were thinking while Asami stayed at HQ.

Also, I'm really glad that Light and Asami care for each other. There are so many stories where Sue is childhood friends with Light (usually just as a way to justify L wanting her around) and then Sue decides she hates him because she just -knows- he's Kira. So this is really refreshing, because I actually really like Light, even as Kira. His defense of Misa is a nice touch, really shows how he could have been uncorruptably good if he hadn't, well, been corrupted.

And don't worry, your writing makes any long gap worth it!
mina chapter 9 . 1/5/2009

im guilty as charged

i'm afraid this is my first review

heh heh heh.

thanks for eating away the boredom, now i've got to scour the rest of for something really long and dreary.. 'the night is long for the sleepless'

i really like this so far, though L is reminding me of Edward from Twilight with the 'Love', and such.. No offense, it's cute, I just dispise Edward _

I await the next chapter with bated breath!

I wonder how it's gunna end.. :D

Timekeeper101 chapter 9 . 1/5/2009
Good chapter. Definitely liked how you added further drama with the part about L not telling Asami that he loved her. You sort of skimmed over the Yotsuba thing, which, since it's not your focus of the story, is okay, but you could've done more with Asami's feelings in that section, while she's sitting there watching the stuff happen. Don't get me wrong; I'm not saying it's bad, not at all! You're a good writer and you do an excellent job of keeping everyone in character. Just, more of Asami's thoughts and feelings would be fun to see... plus it builds drama more easily. I liked the section where Light and L talk about empathy. That was a nice touch.
marshmallow jam chapter 8 . 12/27/2008
wow! I realy enjoyed reading this, and cant wait to read more! i realy want to find out what happened between her and her boyfriend, please update soon!
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