Reviews for At Sixes and Sevens
Guest chapter 5 . 9/3/2014
YUSHHHH KIRBY MAKES AN APPEARANCE. I love how Kirby said, "Good morning, princess!" That would be too cute for Marth to hate.. at least I think..
JojoLightningfingers chapter 7 . 7/20/2010
Incredible, incredible story. You did so well with this. I look forward to reading the third part!
JojoLightningfingers chapter 1 . 7/15/2010
Ah, this is off to a great start!

I'll read the rest later.
Nobody813 chapter 8 . 7/26/2009
i dont know why it's taken me so long to review this story.

i have read this so many times, i actually cant remember how many. i really love it. it just feels so good to read, i can get clear images in my head of whats going on, like watching a movie or reading the best book ever.

By far my favourite story on here(along with the sequel)

I love the emotions you show through the characters, especailly Ike, so strong and determined, but also caring and a seemingly lovely person and i love how it took Marth to bring these good qualities out. I like the changes shown in Ike throughout the story; being rather brutish hurting Marth at the begining, but softening up when he had learned more abour Marth's life and who he really was. I thought the body swap idea was brilliant and the out-gaying contest had me laughing all the way. I wonder what happened to Captain Falcon? lol.

It's very cute how Marth is slowly falling for Ike without even realising it. The paper aeroplane bit was incredibly sweet. Ike helping Marth in the bath was very lovely, i liked how he could control his emotions and needs, shows how much Marth means to him.

I loved the kiss part so much, just the passion from Ike made me feel all warm and happy :) Poor Marth being taken advantage of, but who could blame Ike?

It was a very sweet and emotional end, the giving of Ikes headband was very moving.

oh, dear i've written a lot, sorry! but yeah, what i mean is i love your story and i really cant wait to read more from you. I do hope you continue to write :)
Annie chapter 2 . 11/10/2008
"He didn't get the feeling he was in Kansas anymore"

Friggen laughed uncontrollably at this ;D
KnougeandSonadow chapter 8 . 9/27/2008
Aww, I loved this story! Off to read the sequel now!
Kurai chapter 8 . 8/22/2008
Oh my gawd...this is TOO CUTE! I love MarthxIke D I was cracking up at chapter 7, with the 'rape' xP "Goo-moning pwincess!" :3
Atravir chapter 1 . 8/8/2008
Great little story with lots of interesting funny bits. I love how you describe things, especially Ike's thoughts.

Try to pace yourself on chapters, though. You started out with really though out, detailed chapters and by the end of the story the chapters were choppy and rushed.

Keep up the good work! :)
Phoneutria chapter 8 . 7/25/2008
I love your story, but the chapter 8...let's just say it was kinda rushed and sudden. Maybe you can add more details and some advances in the storyline before they left. But nonetheless, your story is awesome, keep up the good work!
Chobi-Xianghua chapter 8 . 7/23/2008
Omg so cool adn i am so reading part 2! lol aw so sad Ike can't deal with Marth leaving TT_TT lol keep up the good work byes
Ripper22 chapter 8 . 7/21/2008
Heh, the world will never know if Kirby even HAS a body!...Or is it a head?...I gotta go before I get TOO confused!...(starts debating with self)...a head!,
Kaiouri chapter 8 . 7/20/2008
-sniffs- So beautiful. Absolutely amazing. Even though I was reading this I couldn't help but feel as if I was watching a movie. How strange..
ShimmeringAlseif chapter 8 . 7/20/2008
I love this story. I don't think I ever had the chance to make a review. But plainly, I'm in love with this story!

I love how the characters are portrayed well. And how Ike went through so much just for Marth.


I love this story and I'm really looking forward to reading the second part!

Good job!
The Dancing Clown chapter 8 . 7/20/2008
E, that was great.
Koushiro Yu chapter 7 . 7/19/2008
Wow! I really love your story now! More and more ever! I hope you can make more! Um, can you try a chapter about Ike and Marth going on a date or something? It might be nice for Ike to make up their friendship more that way! _~ Oh yeah! Since I love your story.. Once you are ever done with this story maybe up to chapter 10? (I.. Um.. Want it to be long. H-heh.) Can you try and make a season two of the story? But this time, in a mature type? If so, thanks! I'll love your story forever! But if can't, then it's cool! wonderful job of making the story! Long live IkexMarth's love! xD
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