Reviews for Come With Me
Emerald Sage chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
Damn, I wanted to cry.
I hope they have a happy ending!
EmoCloud chapter 1 . 6/27/2013
This was a sweet way to cover their relationship
Pikeebo chapter 1 . 1/13/2013
Sigh .. too easy for Heero ... Nice Duo ...but not too nice Heero ... even if he meant it but old habits die hard ...
wolfrevenant chapter 1 . 7/28/2010
Loved this! Great writing, good pace. I listened to Come With ME whilst reading and it gave the whole thing a different flavour as it were. This is how I see Heero and Duo. Killer line from Duo of ive been hurting since we met. That line really got to me and I could really see him sitting slumped defeated in the jeep as Heero took him back. Lovely way of writing in both their point of views, and I liked how it was Heero who said those three words and how he had to battle himself to admit he would cherish Duo. I felt it was very much in the story that he did care for Duo very deeply, the grabbing of Duo's hand, his sleeping in the same bed...poor Heero and his inablity to deal with emotions. Made a terrific story and so glad you shared. Adding his to my favorites!
mannd1068 chapter 1 . 10/26/2009
Excellent story!
Kura-sama chapter 1 . 1/21/2009
I love this story. The emotions were so deep and so well portrayed, it made me cry.

The song is also very appropriate and utilized very well, adding another layer to the story.

Wonderfully written.
pink chapter 1 . 1/20/2006
Sad, but I love the way it has been writen. Some of the words (not the lyrics) are beautiful in the way that they express and evoke so much emotion.
RC chapter 1 . 3/8/2005
You made me sad. I love the story,but me now sad. I hope you write more like it.
Wan wingu no tenshi chapter 1 . 7/23/2004
Very well written.

I really enjoyed reading it.
Hellcat81 chapter 1 . 12/16/2003
i absolutely love the narrating style. for once song lines didn't annoy me.
Hotaru7 chapter 1 . 11/24/2003
OMG! I had tears in my eyes! *saying alot* that was really good! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!

ps: i luv like all of your stories :D
EliD chapter 1 . 12/24/2002
wow that was powerful -_- made me thing, of Nata that really was heartwrenching because I could almost feel his pain his torment, his want *sight* I really enjoyed that story and it will for ever remain in my thoughts.
chibiukyou chapter 1 . 7/22/2002
*worships you* O.M.G. I LOVE THIS! .
pewp chapter 1 . 7/10/2002
Adorable! It actually made me cry when Heero was being so mean! lol. I'm a sap. ANYWAYS, you are so my favorite author.
Val Mora chapter 1 . 6/2/2002
*sniffles* You nearly made me cry! (this is a good thing) I love this story!
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