Reviews for When The Day Met The Night
cuteanimelover chapter 1 . 7/7/2011
I think your story was very cute i a BIG fan of Amuto and i just to let you know Ikuto's parents aren't dead. Is dad left him, his sister Utau and his mom. After thet his mom went sick and married the new president of Easter. Is dad was traveling around the world playing his violin, like Ikuto. Hope you don't mind with this comment. love you all... AMUTO 4EVER ;)
DarkFlameInfernal chapter 1 . 2/24/2011
Love it
Natsuya801923 chapter 1 . 4/2/2009
aw this was a sweet one-shot x3 definitely a fave! Amuto forever! XD

great job x)
lilmoonwritter chapter 1 . 1/26/2009
wow... so cute... after i read it... the first word that came out of my mouth was AW... P... a little chessy though... but fits in the anime well... )... keep up the good work
kazukarin chapter 1 . 1/23/2009
nice story love the song
Riizettez chapter 1 . 10/19/2008
lol! u like panic! at the disco? my friends love it! everyday i kept listening to the damn same song.. she forces me to listened.. T_T

i forgot what its called though.. anyway.. nice fic.. short but nice.. but, a tea party outside? -.-
TrinityAngelX chapter 1 . 7/26/2008
Aw that was cute, I just cant imagine him saying those three words though, lol.
ikutoxamu chapter 1 . 7/21/2008
nah, the ending was really cute. not real cliche like alot of endings. great one-shot! the song was fun to read along with the story, i really enjoyed it
Ali Rye chapter 1 . 7/14/2008
I loved the story and the song, even thou I never heared it (which is weird since Panic! at the Disco is like my favourite band)
asounyhc chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
I liked you story, it was adorable ! X3

but I think Amu is more suited for the sun, and Ikuto the moon, just Because! Ikuto is a stray cat, and we see him most all of the time during the night, he's quite calm and composed so I would think of him as the moon…, and Amu is cheerful, the sun fit more to her personality

'cause even if the sun is a "he" and the moon a "she", generally, I think the moon is more suited for the "males" and the sun for the females, weird, ne? but, I think the sun would fit for Kukai, or Tadasee… HE? What did I just say?, did I just include the so stupid Tadase ? I'm sorry,I'm ashamed of myself -_- !

GawkingFish chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
k0nek0 chapter 1 . 7/6/2008

That's a swet one-shot

I think that Ikuto is more suited for the moon :D

You know, the mysterious aura, darkblue night( Ikuto's hair) And all the things xD

And as for Amu, the sun is perfect for her :D

Love your ffs XP

-x- k0nek0

P.S Do you want to be my friend?
Dani chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
Well I have to say it was pretty good, but the ending threw me off. You did a very good job at the start you played the characters very well, but as for the ending it didn't seem like their real personalities. Like I said before their personalities were captured quite beautifully at the start, but then at the ending it didn't seem to be their characters at all. I encourage you to keep writing the stories, just put a little bit more of their personalities into it next time

~Sincerely Dani-san
buttcake chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
_ So swet~! It made the song feel like it was made for them XD
xXxAmuToxXx chapter 1 . 7/6/2008
OMG!...okay I'm not gonna lie but this is so sweet!...for me that is...

I love it!...




Plese make another one!
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