Reviews for If I Never Knew You
Death101- Fox Version chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
Wow. This was awesome! I loved the flow and the description and everything! I especially liked Keiko realizing she had turned into Yusuke's mother for a little while there. Over all, nicely done. There was just a few issues with spacing but I think that was FF. Anyways, awesome job!
Woodrokiro chapter 1 . 7/14/2011
... I'm this close to being a blubbering mess.

Lovely job~
bubblygoo chapter 1 . 7/8/2007
That was just lovely. Flowed nicely, characterization... everything.
XL Dangerous Candy chapter 1 . 9/9/2006
i read this right after i saw the last episode of yu yu hakusho. i cried i tell you. i cried.
KaboomingKitsune-LookWhoBlewUpTheToilet chapter 1 . 2/20/2006
this is so sad! and sweet.
EaglesSpirit chapter 1 . 8/13/2005
*sniffles* so sad... so good... so beautiful!
sierra chapter 1 . 10/26/2004
that was soo sad but yet so good, you such a good auther keep up the good work and keep writing, yusuke keiko 4ever!
Lanie McCoy chapter 1 . 9/27/2004 sweet. (I admit, I skipped to the end and got really confused, but that's my stupidity, not your problem. Eh...never mind.)

Anyway, very nice fic. Love it.
Jenni0889 chapter 1 . 7/20/2004
*claps* Loved it
Moonlightsky31 chapter 1 . 4/7/2004
That was really good... it made me cry... partially because that was the song I had for my grandpa's candle at my sweet 16 which was my good luck candle, but also because i know if keiko lost yusuke, that's exactly how she'd be.
Spede chapter 1 . 3/3/2004
you're a really gifted author. I have enjoyed every single one of your fics that I've read so far. Thanks!
emesisbowl chapter 1 . 3/3/2004
*sniff* thats so cute, and sad an' stuff!
kakumeimei chapter 1 . 12/21/2003
Hi there, Manille-sempai! I have read all of your fics, including the ones on your amazing website, and I must say that they are all incredible! I believe it was your fics that gave me some respect for Keiko, me originally being a Keiko-hater and all. Also, I too am a pinoy otaku, so it makes me very happy to read such great work from a fellow Filipino. Power to the Pinoy Otakus, ne? lol
But I have a question to ask. I noticed that the last time you updated Y&KLS was in 2002, and it is now Dec. 21, 2003. I'm kind of wondering why you haven't updated lately. I tried to email you once, but the email never went through. So if you ever do get around to updating, could you please inform me of that? I really am a great fan of your work, and I would very much appreciate it. My email is , and if it ever changes, you should be able to find my new email on my bio.
Anyways, uh... Darn it, I forgot! I should just end this review now, ne? Tell Atlie-sempai I say Hello!
-Ai much,
A Splash of Sunshine chapter 1 . 10/23/2003
(In tears) This is so sad... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK! At first, I thought that it was about Genkai O.o _
R Amythest chapter 1 . 9/15/2003
Aww! ;_; So cute! Very well-written! T_T
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