Reviews for Eliminated
poofyface chapter 30 . 11/16/2011
Aaaarg i want a sequil! But i dont want u 2 wrire it just to write it! It needs a plot n enthusiasm n stuff
poofyface chapter 10 . 11/14/2011
Ahaha i think caring about school is a turn on too ahahaha
Kitatanya chapter 1 . 3/6/2011
By the way, The Jakatsu 'squeal-fail' moment made me laugh so hard I woke up my freinds. They don't read fanfiction, but once I explained they thought it was hilarious too.
Kitatanya chapter 30 . 3/6/2011
I read this story in one sitting. I love it so much, I could not stop reading. Yeah, it was full of angst, but it was also full of hope. It was realistic, inspired and altogether a great read. I'm going to be trying to write on my story "Impossible Love" soon, and I would really enjoy it if you read it and maybe gave me a few pointers. Thanks.
katsudesune830 chapter 30 . 8/17/2010
this was so incredibly sweet and heart-warming! You did a fantastic job with this story all the way through! LOL Jakotsu makes me laugh in this chapter! XD keep up the good work. i had read this over a year ago, but i never had time to make an acount. :)

Rosalind Seidel chapter 30 . 7/1/2010
Oh my god, this . . Literally, had me up the whole night reading it. Now, I'm not usually into reading the drama/angsty-like fanfics (not sure if you would call your fic angsty but thats the word im using and sticking to it)but this one really got my attention.
Ryouji1 chapter 30 . 6/19/2010
I absoltly loved this story. Pain, happiness, anger, and all other emotions. At parts i couldn't help but think of myself. I love your work. I hope you write more~!

Dakadakara chapter 30 . 5/20/2010
HAIL the She-Lord Daka!

I loved the ending. Your story is a wonderful work of art, and it should be apreciated as such. -nod-

Out of curiousity, what is the funniest infomercial ever?

Bowing before your skills. -Daka
LilFoxyLady chapter 30 . 5/16/2010
I... I... I LOVE IT
Music and Reading Lover chapter 30 . 3/28/2010
I loved it! I couldn't stop reading!
Wafarasu chapter 1 . 2/22/2010
My gosh! My gosh, that was awesome!

-Arekushisu 089
Feodora chapter 30 . 2/14/2010
This fic was like the fanfic equivalent of Grease meets Running with Scissors. I couldn't stop reading it.
Nemyinai chapter 30 . 12/7/2009
I really enjoyed your story. It's incredibly cute and I've just spent the last several nights up late reading it. I especially enjoyed your descriptions of Sango's muscles! he he... But I feel like there's more to tell. With the airport and the last scene it's kinda the same thing. They're both like cliff-hangers. I wanna know what happens next in Sango and Kagome's relationship!
haHA chapter 30 . 7/28/2009
I've been following this story since the beginning, and I'm so glad to see that it came to a happy ending :] Very well done.
elfinbunion chapter 30 . 7/27/2009
Aww look what happens I don't check my email for a couple of days and I missed the last chap of Elimated (;_;). So first off I'm gonna ask since Vince's Slap Chop infomercial is the 2nd funniest to you (and yes the guy's name is Vince how I remember that don't ask me too many ShamWow commercials I guess) what's your number one? Mine would have to be the ShamWow commercials cause you know why? I DO say wow everytime lol, not.

Ok, now back to business I gotta say I cracked up at Jakotsu's 'Oh lawds' funniest mental picture ever! Having him and Kanna make an appearance was unexpected but not unpleasant. How the hell did you come up with throwing those two in there? I wouldn't have even thought of those two at all but they worked, you pulled the group together quite well. As for Sango and Kagome finally getting together, yay! Although I would have been happy with the last chapter as the ending as well, it left room for hope and what not.

Anyways another great story, though I'm sorta sad to see it end. With no more updates from you, I think I'll kinda miss them. If you decide to post any other SanKag fics I'll be sure to drop you a line so we can maybe continue our sporadic, delayed, semi-conversational back and forths we try sometimes. So until then I guess...take care!
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