Reviews for sin harvest
Green Kneesocks chapter 1 . 11/2/2013
Oh my God this was so beautiful. I love Alice almost as much as I love Roach. Needed something about Roach though, Roach makes everything better. This was a lot like chronologic, did you base this off of that or did you and pixie paramount collaborate on it? You really should do more like this, it was really good. :-)
CloudChaserMcGuirk chapter 1 . 7/30/2009
I just watched the movie too. Yesterday, twice in a row lol. Anyways your fic is very well written and I like it.
sodapop765 chapter 1 . 9/18/2008
Do one about her feeling guilty about lovig Roach please.
pixie paramount chapter 1 . 6/25/2008

This is, skitty-pants. A-and I'm so impressed with how well you wrote Alice. She's such a tragic prescence a-and-

Oh, I just love this. You're fantastic in this. The language is just poetic and the whole "v" part is just beyond any words. You nailed her down in that.

It's perfect, quite honestly. I love it.

- Pixie