Reviews for A Blueprint of Something We Never Finished
RKingQway chapter 7 . 12/21/2019
Really god, but incomplete.
Clavyus chapter 7 . 3/17/2017
Jammy chapter 7 . 6/6/2016
In a month or 2 it'll be 4 years since you last updated this fanfic. I know you're busy with work & whatever life requires of you but I hope you know that you still have readers waiting for your story and look forward to an update!:)
Not trying to force/pressure you or any sorts with this review but just letting you know that there are people interested in your work!:)
If you could and have time to spare that is, I really wish you'll return and update! Till then, all the best!:))
Trish BL-CS chapter 7 . 12/6/2014
So I just checked when you last update and man it's crazy! Can't believe I've been waiting for more than two years now.. Hope you can UD soon! :)
Trish BL-CS chapter 7 . 12/6/2014
Hi! Been waiting for an update :( Really hope you can update soon, been dying to know how this story unfolds! :)
Julie chapter 7 . 9/7/2014
Was having Brooke & Lucas feels so decide to re-read this and thought is deserved another review.
I have been following the updates of this story from the beginning. Can't begin to describe how much I absolutely adore this story. Each new chapter is just another layer of perfection to such a wonderful couple. Reading this makes up for how this couple ended. You bring such reality and depth to their relationship that it almost seems real. I hope you update again and know that there are still people around waiting for the next adaptation that you create in this story.
ShannonFin chapter 7 . 5/20/2014
The best Brucas fic that I ever read!
It's all so real, I can easily see this happening in the story of One Tree Hill and I'm loving how you are taking Brucas in a very slowly way.
It's a perfection!
Keep the good work, Brucas deserve fics like this more often.
BL-is-love chapter 7 . 1/23/2014
Hey, any chance of you ever updating this one? I was so hooked on it, and I'd really love to see another chapter coming up, and seeing this lovely story unfold. You are an amazing writer!
BL-CS chapter 7 . 3/24/2013
PLEASE update! PLEASE! I've been supporting this fic for 5 years now and I haven't stopped waiting.. Please!
Miss Pretty Girl chapter 7 . 1/14/2013
Wow that was awesome...can't wait to see what is next...i hope Brooke and Lucas end up together
pam chapter 7 . 11/25/2012
Are we getting any more updates? Please say yes.
EmilyRose09 chapter 7 . 10/16/2012
You're terrible, just ending the story like that. It's so unacceptable. I crave more! ;) And I really hope Leyton ties up any loose ends in their relationship quick, so real progress can be made with Brooke and Lucas. I want him to approach his past love for Peyton. Only then will he ever move on from it fully and be able to devote himself completely to Brooke. She deserves that, after all.

It's weird to see Peyton and Julian back together, but I really enjoyed the conversation with Brooke, Lucas, and Julian. There was a spark between Brulian, as there would be, but there was also jealousy from Lucas, as there should have been. I almost want Julian to flirt a little more with Brooke, just so Peyton understands how hard it was for her to deal with always feeling like a second choice.

It was cool seeing everyone again, but I hope that soon we can get back to the main focus of just Brooke and Lucas. My favorite chapter remains the one when she first returned to New York. There was something almost magical about his thought process of their past together and then the future that there could maybe be. I just hope Peyton doesn't mess with it. Closure is what's needed, and hopefully soon.

Thanks so much for writing what you have, but again, it's far too short and no where near complete. I love how well-rounded you made everyone. I can't wait to see what you have in store for them. I hope that you get back into a quicker groove and bless us all with more updates. But until then, this is favorited. I cannot wait for a continuation. You're more awesome than words could possibly describe!
EmilyRose09 chapter 6 . 10/16/2012
I love the flower reference correlating with his dream sequence in 6x01, where Brooke bought herself flowers for their anniversary. This was better, though. I loved the lilac bouquet and the meaning behind them. It was awesome seeing the opening of the store and the moments between them and Victoria.

My favorite/funniest parts:

"I'd like to say I'm happy you're here, Victoria," Lucas says. "But I'm afraid that if I turn my back, you'll run away with your daughter's heart again."

Victoria doesn't even flinch. "I suppose I deserved that. But I could also say the same to you."


"Yeah," Brooke replies. "I wanted you to see that I could make it without you."

"In spite of you," Lucas can't resist adding.

Funny. Snappy. What I always wanted in a Lucas/Victoria conversation.

I also loved that Victoria came to her senses and finally gave her daughter back majority share. It was about time she recognized her mistake.

And I loved this part:

Lucas takes her hand. "If there's one thing I've learned after all these years," he says. "It's that sometimes there aren't any words."

Love doesn't really need words, you know? I just love how slow and steady you've made the relationship. The subtle references to him having a crush or the headlines in the Hounder. It's not too much, but it pushes them in the right direction. However, I'm desperately hoping for some heavy, intense moments with them that leads to a revival of their past feelings. I just feel like this story is no where near complete without diving into all of that.

Next up: Tree Hill. I'm nervous yet excited for the possibilities that this can offer. Although, I have really enjoyed their time in New York, so I don't know where I'd rather they end up. I am excited to see where everyone's lives have gone.

As always, perfect work. On to the last chapter thus far...
EmilyRose09 chapter 5 . 10/16/2012
"Marie's favorite toy is a purple monkey." I don't know why I never gave much thought as to where Brooke's favorite toy went after she gave it to Lucas, but I can definitely see something like that happening. Marie obviously has good taste.

And I love how you broke down the new quasi mother-daughter relationship they have:

"All that gushing in her old letters, Lucas is realizing, was totally genuine. Brooke is completely, irrevocably in love with Marie."


"Marie is falling in love right back with Brooke and, well, what if she does leave someday?"

I love the family dynamics that have formed with them. It's very plausible given their history with Angie and such. Brooke Davis always was a sucker for kids, but, of course, this one is extra special because she belongs to Lucas.

And I loved how Brooke always attempted to correct Marie's words:

"Bookie!" Marie shrieks.

"That's right," Brooke grins. "Bookie's home. And I brought burgers!"


"Bur-gers," Brooke pronounces, slower.


"Yep, you got it," Brooke says.

HILARIOUS! I laughed for awhile at that one.

I really enjoyed their fourth of July outing as well, and the moment that Brooke suggested that she and Lucas date if only to read his latest novel. I do hope we learn more about its content soon. I have a hunch that it's all about our favorite dimpled brunette and them finding their way back to each other.

I'm very intrigued by the upcoming store opening and how Victoria will fit into it. I'm also very curious about what both Peyton and Lindsey would say about this new, close-knit relationship that has formed between Brooke and Lucas. I hope we find out in the forthcoming chapters, if not maybe in the future.

And can I just mention the overall title for this story, "A Blueprint of Something We Never Finished." That's one of the best titles I've ever read. It's so fitting of their relationship and this story. There's a foundation there—a blueprint as it were—and their relationship never fully concluded. It never finished, and I can't wait to see you give it a proper sendoff—that proper ending the show misguidedly sidestepped. Please continue to update this more often. This is one of my favorite stories that I've ever read!
EmilyRose09 chapter 4 . 10/16/2012
Oh. My. Garsh. Cuteness personified tenfold. That chapter went beyond my expectations, even after I've set them so high for you. ;) I literally made ahhing noises at some of the things they each said. There's about one hundred quotable lines from this chapter, so I'll just put a few of them in a list.

1. Brooke flushes pink and looks back down at the squirrel. "Rude, isn't he?" she says to it.

2. Brooke's laugh is delicious and wicked and utterly delighted. Lucas shakes his head, then grabs her hand a little tighter and steers on ahead.

3. Brooke Davis makes him do stupid and irrational things, and he loves every second of it.

4. "Do you ever think we all tried to grow up too fast, Luke?" Brooke says. Her voice is sweet and soft, and Lucas knows she's being sincere.

5. Lucas grins. "In good conscious, I cannot let Marie out of the house. What if she turns out…"

"Like I did?" Brooke suggests brightly.

Lucas turns his gaze directly toward her. "If Marie turns out even remotely like you, I'll know for sure that I did something right."

Brooke's breath hitches. "Luke, I…" She pauses, composes herself, and shoots him a winning smile. "I'll keep that in mind. Does that mean I get to teach her how to take tequila shots?"

"Oh we're talking about high school you," Lucas says flippantly. "If Marie turns out like that, I'm locking her in a closet."

6. Two hours and many words later, Lucas shuts down his computer and staggers to bed, half-worded sentences still composing themselves in his head. It's the start of something good, he thinks as he drifts off to sleep, but he's not sure if he's talking about a novel or something else entirely.

7. Lucas laughs. "Just be you, Brooke Davis. Be brilliant and beautiful and brave, and you'll win them over."

8. He may not be there to help Brooke, to vouch for her, to do anything, but Brooke Davis has never needed to be saved before.

I loved their moments in the park. The whole altercation with the squirrel, or squellers as child Brooke would say, was crazy adorable. They've got such a rhythm to their relationship that wasn't lost even after all this time, like him continually putting his arm around her.

I loved what he said about his daughter and her comparison to Brooke—serious or humorous.

And the chapter titles? I just love how you incorporate them into this. I love that she lived up to his words, even if she didn't feel like it. To me, that's the eternal difference between her and Peyton. Lucas had a tendency to immortalize this epic love he supposedly had with Peyton and he set her up to be this incredible angel that would complete his very soul, but they seemed like empty words that could never possibly be reached. They were impossible expectations, whereas his outlook on Brooke was very much grounded in reality.

And that little line about how Brooke Davis never need to be saved? That's another thing about Brooke that's different from Peyton. She was so strong and so independent that she never needed Lucas. Peyton needed to grow as an individual to save herself, but sadly I fear she never did.

Anyway, sorry about all these ridiculously long reviews. When I love something I have a tendency to analyze it, so please be flattered by these essay-long worded reviews about your chapters. I just love where you're going with this. I can't believe it took me this long to find this gem of a story. Although, I'm almost sad I did because it's not nearly long enough yet. Oh, well. I'll cross my fingers for more soon. :)
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