Reviews for The Violinist's Phone
Guest chapter 7 . 5/12/2018
The fact that it's a movie got me shookith to the core o.O
Rina Naegi chapter 2 . 3/15/2017
im so happy u made tasde the evil guyi spelled his name wrong on purpose)
210AnimeLover210 chapter 5 . 9/17/2016
Happy 8 years later birthday
AngelTearsXx chapter 3 . 5/31/2016
Beautiful Chapter!
Kiki chapter 1 . 5/28/2016
Wow this chappie is good!
BlackHeron104 chapter 8 . 4/9/2016
OH MY! Please make a sequel!
Guest chapter 2 . 7/28/2015
I love Ikuto's reaction when Amu told him she was going to Paris!
Krickett chapter 1 . 7/23/2015
This is awesome but I thought Miki liked Kiske. Yes though I do understand this is a OOC so.
xxAmuto1622xx chapter 8 . 11/2/2014
A MOVIE?! Sure you got me there! Nice fanfic! More pleazzee!
ImaDoinWat chapter 7 . 8/23/2014
AHHHHHHH! WHAT!? How dare you do this to me! I was crying!
Just cause I'm upset dose not mean I didn't like it. Good job!
IkutaTskuiyomi chapter 8 . 6/15/2014
Animefungirl12 chapter 8 . 6/7/2014
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO you ca not do this to me. u cant make it so it waz just a movie u cant im going to hunt u down if u dont add another chapter i swear to it i will find u one day and when i do im going to lock u up in a room with gallons of coffe and a brand new laptop to work on the ne wchapter u hav to figure out somethingor just add the part and say bthe movie part waz a fake andur adding u cant just do this listen i will hunt u down i will go full blown stalker face on u got that PM me if u hav anything to say u must reply now u shud worry about someone watching ur everymove got that u will work on the new chapter it does not end as a cut u did a great job the movies hit u will add more this is a threat now add u did very well on the movie btw this is on my fav story list and follwed it now add or else
Animefungirl12 chapter 7 . 6/7/2014
i be like wat this entire luv story waz just a movie like watt then i see oh look another chapter this better not dissapoint . like seriously this waz not real. u were the first fanfic i know to hav made an etire luv story just a movie. like wow u did so good. This was an awesome chapter. lol I wish this waz an actuall movie
Animefungirl12 chapter 5 . 6/7/2014
hold up so the day u made it waz after ur birthday and u put some guy in here trying to kill ikuto like wat lol that waz funny too funny ohh the horror i hope nothing happened
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