Reviews for Crash and Burn
run with the doctor chapter 1 . 7/7/2012
I think I need to draw on the Force for an ability not to cry at your fics. This was supremely awesome.

- Endless-Skyway.
emjalen08 chapter 1 . 11/16/2010
So... The first reading I had of Tahiri and Anakin was in the Junior Jedi Knight series- I never read New Jedi Order. Still, it struck me that they should be a couple then, and I'm glad to see you agree! Beautiful story, and though it was a little slow moving, I enjoyed it all the same! Please, write more Tahiri/Anakin!
QuixoticQuest chapter 1 . 9/10/2010
I can't believe I missed reading this story. By the way, I love that song. It's probably one of my favorite songs by Savage Garden.

I think the conflict was great and the teasing that Mara had was right on target (not to mention it was hilarious how she acted when she interrupted Anakin and Tahiri's moment).

My only critique would be that there could have been breaks between the scenes to make it smoother. I also think there could have been more buildup to the moment where Anakin found Tahiri up on the balcony. It kind of jumps to that moment and it comes off as abrupt.

All and all, I loved this story and again, I love that you came up with it while listening to "Crash and Burn" as it is a song I wanted to use in a Tahiri/Anakin fic myself. ) Yours takes the cake even if I do end up writing one.


-Don -
JenkiMimay chapter 1 . 3/22/2003
I'd just like to say that you're a great writer. I really admire your work, and I think this story was captured both of the characters wonderfully.
Paul1 chapter 1 . 4/27/2002
I'm a little behind in the NJO, so I didn't know what you were talking about with a lot of things like the Vongs' imprisonment of Tahiri, but I still found it beautiful. There are so few good Anakin/Tahiri fics out there, and I enjoyed this imminsely. My only bit of constructive criticism is that I think there needs to be more description of what passes between the arrival on Coruscant and the scene when Anakin finds Tahiri on the rooftop - but all in all, wonderful!
Accursed Muffin chapter 1 . 3/30/2002
kewl story even though 1/2 of the time i have no idea what you're talking about. considering that i've only read #1 of YJK that would be understandable. it wasn't even my book it was my little sister's book. it took me maybe 1 1/2 hours to finish it and she's had it for a month and only gotten to page 4. actually from what i've heard happened in SbS it sounds cool. nice and angsty. maybe when i actually read it i wont think so but now it sounds cool.
Capra124 chapter 1 . 3/25/2002
This is really good. Adds a different view on their life and makes you wonder what their lives will be like after all of this is over.
s chapter 1 . 3/3/2002
moooooorrrrrreeeeeeee please mmmmmooooorrrrreeeeee
Jimaine chapter 1 . 2/7/2002
You have so many of these, all so wonderful, and all of which (or at least one of which) should have been in the books! Galaxy the way it is now, we needed a little sappiness! And, as I've said in my dozen other reviews, Anakin and Tahiri more than deserve it. Yay.
christyanne chapter 1 . 1/16/2002
If you need to crash then crash and burn you're not alone. Great story. :)
Qwi-Xux chapter 1 . 12/31/2001
*sighs contentedly* Beautiful...
Athyra chapter 1 . 10/31/2001
pretty good story, especially towards the end. i think maybe it could be spiced up a bit with some more action, as it got a little dull in places. but the romance was very sweet, and Anakin's and Tahiri's feelings for each other came across very real in your writing. good work. :)
obi's girl chapter 1 . 10/24/2001
Very beautiful! Love it. Hey, why don't read some of my fics? I've just uploaded some new ones.
Mikel Girl chapter 1 . 10/12/2001
Julie I loved your fic thank you for dedicating it to me! This fic is one of my favorites! I know you'll do more just like it. Hey you reading this if you like Anakin and Tahiri you better read it or your missing out! Yeah you! Go read it! it's good!

Mikel Girl aka Amadalla
Shrieking Beast chapter 1 . 10/12/2001
This is wonderful, a great romance, and a clean one