Reviews for White Flag
maryrizzo11 chapter 17 . 4/19
Any chance you can continue this and finish this up? This is one of my favorite stories and I’d love an ending
fish330 chapter 17 . 8/2/2018
good story. But the reconciliation part not good. B has been hurt too many times, only words would not be enough. I know P&L broke do a big part but L did wrote these books about their love and pop the Q twice. B’s like second best which makes her give up L for nothing except bringing herself pain. Especially P and L still friends, like the shades always there. Because L already forgives P within 2weeks for breaking him and his true love. The whole thing Just like the second time in their high school.
New to Brooke chapter 17 . 9/1/2017
Am a fan of Brooke from the fanfics that I've read. I enjoyed your story very much, but I felt it incomplete. Would have loved to read her confrontation and discussion with her so called BF and a conclusion.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/30/2017
Wonderful story. Would have enjoyed an epilogue.
Clavyus chapter 17 . 5/10/2017
Beautiful story.
MirianSchuaste1 chapter 17 . 9/13/2015
Continua, por favor!
LoveWritingxoxo chapter 17 . 10/8/2013
I really hope you finish this one day. This is one of my favortie stories on here!
Guest chapter 17 . 5/21/2013
Please update soon. A conclusion chapter is all I ask for. Pretty please.
wprincessannw chapter 17 . 8/5/2011
I almost think that should be the ending but if you want to continue I'd enjoy that. Love this story either way :)
sakura281 chapter 17 . 6/12/2011

This story is truly beautiful.

I'm in love with it.

Brucas fan forever
Princesakarlita411 chapter 6 . 1/15/2011
Princesakarlita411 chapter 12 . 11/8/2010

please updated
craxygirl54 chapter 17 . 10/29/2010
I don't even know where to start because this story is so beautifully written and I live it so much. I agree on everything you wrote because it just makes so much sense and I loved how you easily portray the Brucas love. The first few chapters were hard for me to read seeing as Luca till hadn't realize his feelings for Brooke but what kept me going was that I knew that they would eventually end up together. It took a while but in glad that they're on their way to fixing the mess Lucas made out of his love life. I know in the the show Leyton got marry and had a kid but to me as long as the show is on there is still hope for Brucas to reunite and be together because the love that they shared was simply the best they ever had. I hope one day Mark Schawn (sp?) reads this and realizes the mistake he made and manages to fix what he did because I know your story makes so much sense than the crap he put in season 6. Well anyways I hope that one day you finish this awesome story and believe me I will be there waiting for it to happen.
nogitsunescoyote chapter 17 . 3/13/2010
Wow good story! Are you ever going to finish that one chapter? Great Brucas interpretation.
NYJOEY chapter 16 . 10/30/2009

It has been awhile since you last updated and I hope that all is well with you since I last reviewed...I wondered if you will be back to finish this fantastic story you have so generously given us. I hope to read notice in my e-mail that you have decided to update and give us the Brucas ending we all look for, seeing that Marky has decided otherwise.

If not, then I just want to thank you for everything you have given us and to say that you are a gifted storyteller and I will enjoy re-reading all your stories.

Thanks again and all my best...I remain your fan.

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