Reviews for Truth or Dare : School Version SEQUAL
Kathryn chapter 5 . 4/17/2015
Edward dresses up as a bird and goes to Volterra and jumps off the castle singing I Believe I Can Fly.
AllIsFairInLoveAndWar chapter 5 . 2/15/2011
wait, so, now they all know the secrets, and no awesome vampire-power-using dares! what's with that?
I am so Sirius chapter 5 . 1/10/2010





Princess Aziza chapter 5 . 1/9/2010
He should totally choose Edward, because they totally hate each other, and Edward should be either asked why he left Bella or dared to go to the Seattle mall and buy a ton of goth makeup and goth clothes and stay in that outfit for the rest of the game. That'd be so cool!
SketchySituation chapter 5 . 12/27/2009
r u eva gonna finish this?
AnNaLeE m O'bRiEn chapter 5 . 11/29/2009
I Love it Update ASAP Please
Little-miss2216 chapter 5 . 10/11/2009
this story is hilarious cant wait until u finish it
TiaraandSyriainc chapter 5 . 10/3/2009
Here are some truths and some dares.

1. What do you wear to sleep in at night?

1. Have you ever seen a porno film? Who did you watch it with?

2. Who do you fantasize about when you think about sex?

3. Your lover has been magically transformed into an animal, and the only way to restore your lover is to mate with them. Here's the question: Which animal would cause you the least psychological damage?

4. Would you think it was a turn-on if your bf wanted to watch Disney movies with you?

5. Have you ever cheated on your bf (past or present), or would you ever cheat?

6. Have you ever gone a whole day without wearing underwear?

7. If you could be born again would choose to be a different sex to what you are?

8. If you had 24 hours to live, what would you do, what movie star would you want to kiss, and who would you notify that you are dying

9. Describe the sexiest clothes you ever wore and why.

10. When did you stop bathing with your sibling?

11. Who has the biggest balls you've ever seen? (funny since it can be told literally, but someone will take it sexually. I could be talking about a medicine ball!)

12. If I was a food what would I be and how would you eat me?

13. What they would do to a boy for a Klondike Bar.

14. How far have you gone?

15. How far would you go with someone you are attracted to, that you just met, and will never see again?

16. What is the most embarrassing thing you've done?

17. Have you ever skinny dipped?

18. Would you marry your current bf today?

19. Do you really love your bf?

20. Have you ever made a fool of yourself in front of someone you were interested in?

21. What is the stupidest thing you've done because someone dared you to?

22. What is the stupidest thing you've done on your own free will?

23. Tell everyone who you like.

24. What is the strangest dream you've ever had.

25. Which guy (that at least four people playing the game know) do you think has the longes s?

26. Which girl (that at least four people playing the game know) do you think would give the best BJ?

27. What's your favorite thing about the opposite sex?

28. What's the worst thing about being your gender?

29. If you could have anyone here in the room to be your slave, who would it be and what would you make them do?

30. Rate five boys that everyone knows on a scale of 1-10 What's your idea of a perfect date?

31. Have you ever masturbated?

32. Have you ever had an orgasm? Was it by yourself or with a person of the opposite sex?

33. How old were you when you saw a boy (other than a relative) naked for the first time?

34. Who was the first boy that you let touch your boobs?

35. If you were a boy, would you want your girlfriend to swallow when she gave you oral sex?

36. How old were you when you touched a boy's penis, not counting relatives or babysitting?

37. Have you ever been in a brawl?

38. Who do you think is the best looking person in the room?

39. What is the worst date you have ever been on?

40. If you were invisible what is the first thing you would do?

41. If you were the opposite sex for one hour, what would you do?

42. How old were you when you had your first real kiss? Tell the tale.

43. Have you ever peed in a pool?


1. Kiss someone for a given amount of time (ex. kiss for 2 minutes w/ tongue)

2. Find something edible in the kitchen for the person to eat that isn't meant to be eaten straight (ketchup, salt, flour, ...)

3. Run around outside screaming something totally inane. An example being have someone go chanting "I am woman, hear me roar!"

4. Go out on your porch and sing the "I'm a Little Teapot" song.

5. Go out into a public area scratching their crotch and saying, "Damn these crabs really itch!"

6. Have a person smear jelly in one armpit and peanut butter in the other armpit. Then they must take two slices of bread and wipe it off. Then they have to eat the sandwich!

7. Eat a piece of food (such as a grape or whip cream) off someone else's tongue, belly button, butt cheek, etc.

8. Push a penny around the toilet seat with your tongue.

9. Make-out with a pillow or teddy bear for a certain amount of time, say the guy or girl's name they like and make kissing noises.

10. Do a cart wheel naked.

11. Play one round in your underwear.

12. Trade underwear with someone in the game and wear their underwear for one round. When it is your turn again, you have to put your underwear back on.

13. If you are female, choose a boy to measure the size of your nipple - dime, nickel, quarter, or half dollar. Go to a different room to measure. When you are done, the boy must announce to the group how big your nipple is, and if it is bigger or smaller than the last girl's nipples that he has seen. You can also have this done in front of the group for the extra daring person.

14. If you are male, choose a girl to measure the size of your penis, length and width, in front of the whole group or in another room. When you are done, the girl must announce to the group how big your penis is, and if it is bigger or smaller than the last penis that she has seen. You can also have this done in front of the group for the extra daring person.

15. Do a striptease down to your underwear. The dance must include props and music.

16. If you are a girl, choose another girl to help in this dare or it can be a dare for two people. One girl must undress the other and take your top off and your bra. The person being undressed cannot help the other girl unbutton, etc. Once they have undressed you, they have to kiss one of your boobs.

17. If you are a boy, choose another boy to help in this dare or it can be a dare for two people. One boy must undo the other guys pants and undress him (both pants and underwear around his ankles) while kneeling in front of him. Once has pants and underwear are around his ankles or removed, he must touch the other boy’s peni$. The person being undressed cannot help the other boy unbutton, etc.

18. Stick their finger in their butt and then lick it.

19. Pick their nose and eat it in front of the group.

20. If you are a girl, touch someone else's boobs. If you are a boy touch someone's peni$.

21. Dive in a pool naked or run through a sprinkler naked.

22. Blindfold the person and make them kiss three things. Do not tell them what they are.

23. This is a boy and a girl dare. Have the boy announce to the group how long his peni$ is. The girl will have to guess if it is bigger or smaller. Measure it to see who is right. If she is wrong then she has to suck it for 60 seconds. If she is right, he has to w ank it for 60 seconds. For example, he might say it is 6 inches. If she guesses bigger and it turns out to only be 5 inches, then she has to suck it for 60 seconds
Lurking Casually chapter 5 . 9/25/2009
omg frikin god. lol literally
vamptwilightharrypotterfanever chapter 5 . 9/14/2009
I loved this chapter.

Update soon.

vamptwilightharrypotterfanever chapter 1 . 9/14/2009
I loved this chapter.
time4 chapter 5 . 8/28/2009
I love it! update soon!
Countrygirl133 chapter 5 . 7/26/2009
i dont care ehat every one else says, KEEP GOING! PLEASE?
Anne191091 chapter 5 . 7/15/2009
not cool where's the rest of the storie! someone needs to dare Edward to show them some vampire stuff... :p
Imagine Brittana chapter 5 . 5/23/2009
haha, so funny, i hope u add another chapter for this. Maybe Emmett could go back to the teacher he kissed in the first story as a dare and propose or get it on with her, or something like that. keep up the good work
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