Reviews for Playing With Fire
Mirage chapter 19 . 5/4
Interesting story this was-
This two are just a silly pair, but it seems to work for them with there bickering and bitching around and pulling hair and making up -
Mirage chapter 17 . 5/4
So it was not hojo ...but someone she did treat like dirt and from up above without care in the past
...and then started to do the same with inuyasha and was mean to him. woman deserves a attack like this what you he guy from the past dud try ...he would have done better when he destroyed her reputation or her friendship or for her kicked out of work. ..anything but this...
But she really deserves a slap to the face...not only some things she did say to in where mean but all...
All is just a joke..the Sex and all they had building up..and should go back to just going out of there ways wonder he acted out like he did .that ithe shold have beven his trophy ..he did show feeling and that he does care for her...
What did sango tell her only some time ago...that in got feelings to and is not stone even when he acts like an ass. ...
Mirage chapter 12 . 5/3
They can't kick him and her out of the competition because of this half asked evidence ...that has no base and would not be accepted by judge...

They did tamper with the evidence when they did not call police when seeing that broken in security area and missing tape ...then they did not take fingerprints of the knife bag and closet whee it was found...
Yes they where idiots and also did not call police and management when seeing broken in room of there's ...

And really. ..hoyo is there? The guy got a "girlfriend" and travels after his roommate who got two friends with her...when this is not strange u don't know what.. and he did try to talk her out of the competition together with Inu. ...

Some bright piece guy who see all this evidence after some mind talk. And fingerprints will show no Inu prints on kagomes knife bag...but some other...

They all are plain big idiots...really miss Marple book read or other detective like sherlock Holmes and they would see this too...
Mirage chapter 10 . 5/3
This two are just too stupid...they clean up the room after the break in ...why not call police and hotel management? ?to show proof and them detect fingerprints or such?
Mobbing on there way there with lost registration is one thing ...but break in an room and then thievery is something bigger itime could be an bodily attack or hostage situation ...
Mirage chapter 9 . 5/3
Sango really did come at the right time , or they would have Doon something they where not ready bevor they cleared up things and talked about things first. .or he could have sleeped with Baraka or kouga like how angry he is all the time and did try to shove her they need more time ...-
Mirage chapter 7 . 5/3
So all this trouble they had till this point could have been naraku and nor kikyo or sango and miroku wgo did hope to calm them down like this and being them together so they duck and stop fighting all the time ? Or her roommate who try to get her away from inu. ...

Makes sense with naraku ...
Hope he is found out bevor he brings bigger guns ..
Mirage chapter 3 . 5/2
He really did deserve this slap and even a fist to the nose with full power for what he did say and did try... is one thing to be mean but not du h a try and such an attack.
But it may have shaped some sense and decorum into him
lrritable-vowel-types chapter 19 . 9/16/2017
Loved it! :)
lrritable-vowel-types chapter 2 . 9/16/2017
OK, this is too funny. I live in Chicago, went to St. Olaf (right across the river from Carleton!), and my husband went to Northwestern. Midwest life, I guess?! ;

I looooved the description of the grill fight. That was amazing! If I were a customer I would have been eating it up (har har).
lrritable-vowel-types chapter 1 . 9/16/2017
The line about the Blackberry had me ROLLING! XD And man, I'm in Chicago and WISH we had an awesome teppanyaki place. I remember that always being a very fancy meal when I was a kid, and so much fun.
ink7blot chapter 3 . 2/22/2017
As much as I believe Inuyasha is a fiery lil piece of shit ... I can't hate him. He realized what he did wrong and he even kinda dislikes how he handled that.

But still doesn't make him any less of an implosive brat.
kaggybearr chapter 19 . 7/7/2016
(too tired to log in and review too much but same username if you do want to reply!)

first of all, I would just like to say that this is an amazing story. Beautifully written and using good language to describe just exactly you want to say. I really like the chapter names:) It's really cool that you incorporated something you love into this story and brought it together.

where do we begin... HOLY mother of jesus I was highly grinding my teeth at how much of a sexist pig Inuyasha was in the beginning of this story, and I'm incredibly incredibly happy when in the end that Kagome was able to change his entire perspective on this and prove that yes damn right women can be chefs, women are men's equals. I liked that a lot. It was also a huge plot twister when Naraku wasn't the culprit. It was a pleasant change from the usual Narakucreepybad guy because it always gave it away before the climax, but no no no it was Bank! I can tell you plotted this out in detail ahead of time. When I got to the end, it was an aha scene when I remembered Kagome going into her first day competion with the two men waiting there. It would have been slightly better if Kagame's relationship with Hikaru was mentioned maybe previously (when Kagome was introduced and talking about her qualifications, or in an argument against Inu where she mentioned that she worked so hard to earn her position as chef that she worked endlessly and rejected guys?). You NAILED that third person omni view perfectly. When it was talking about what Inu was thinking, the wording, language, attitude was all very inu, and same goes for Kagome. You blended everything (perspective, language, etc) beautifully and so amazingly that I literally couldn't put the story down. Would you believe me if I said I literally didn't sleep because I wanted to know what's going on next~
Playing with fire was a wonderful and very enjoyable story to read and count me in as a fan!

now if you'll excuse me.. I going to get teppanyaki:)
FlowingSilverDreams chapter 19 . 4/3/2016
This story was beautifully written, well done. Very creative idea.
seikkyokuka chapter 19 . 8/25/2015
Honestly, I wasn't entirely thrilled with the theme of the story when I read the summary, but this turned out to be pretty phenomenal! You are a great writer :)
HO0T HO0T chapter 19 . 6/11/2015
aaaaaaaaaaaaaw this was great! I loved it! laughed and aaaaaw-ed all the way through
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