Reviews for Used
Selena92 chapter 71 . 5/25/2018
...I couldn't stop reading...terrific writing.

It was hard to read though...House's suffering was heart-wrenching. Tritter was a monster, worse than that, but there are no words to describe the kind of...person (term used very loosely here) that is capable of viciously raping and torturing another person. It's simply...beyond words.
Didn't feel the last bit sorry for Tritter's experiences in prison, nor for his death at House's hands. Wilson was right: he did the world a favour by killing that monster.

Loved Wilson and Cuddy in this - the support and compassion they gave House was great. Felt so sorry for Wilson when House would shy away from him with fright. If House had not had them, he would have ended up like poor Liebmann...

Loved Jenna too...and Eve and Brooke, for the support they gave House.

House was exceptionally brave to first agree to that dangerous plan to secretly film Tritter when he's threatening him in order to get evidence and have Tritter arrested, then to actually speak out in court (which is another violation in itself) and finally, to give himself over to Tritter in order to spare his friends.

You've gotten the suspense down pat- until Tritter was actually sentenced, I kept expecting him to appear in basically each chapter, at times even sort of growling at the characters for handling things the way they did as opposed to another, safer way. Even if their actions were understandable.
Then, when Tritter spoke with Nathan Moss, threatening him, I kept repeating a mantra in my head: "Don't escape, please don't escape." My stomach was turning.

Also, as far as I can tell, you've also described the trauma - both emotional/mental and physical - and the reactions to said trauma very well.

Would have loved to have House's team a bit more involved in his recovery and the fight against Tritter though.

The trial was great, though I wanted to wring that defence attorneys neck for the way he treated House - a victim of a brutal sexual assault!

The involvement of Jenna's brother was a shock and I am really glad I read this story when it was already finished, because when Andrew saw that tape and was trying to understand what had happened, how his sister came to be involved and the horrific crime he had helped to commit, I thought for a moment (until it was cleared up in the next chapter) that he was gonna tell Tritter, warn him of the investigation and the video- possibly destroy that hard-earned evidence.

Would have liked to learn more about the threatening letter Wilson found during the wait for the trial- who sent it? I half expected some other corrupt cop or a criminal to kidnap House...or just silence him.

All in all, an awesome (though nerve-wrecking, heart-wrenching, tearjerking) story. Thank you for sharing it.

musme chapter 71 . 4/14/2017
I love it very much !
Thanks a lot
eeminxs chapter 71 . 6/24/2016
I have no words...just wow! The imagery, the emotions you force myself as a reader to feel, the anticipation, everything is just so amazing. This is well-written and tells a realistic tale I believe of what someone might go through. Thank you for writing this!
Anna chapter 5 . 1/26/2015
So i recently started binge watching House on Netflix. (Love it) and i felt like reading aome fanfic. Im partial to angsty pieces and i thought 'score!' When this popped up. And who's the author of this fic...YOU! I know you! I love this person! It seems you're always exactly what im looking for. Love your HIMYM stuff too.
fhl1234 chapter 8 . 11/16/2012
House's reaction to the attack are very realistically portrayed. OMFG! Tridder being the driving force behind the kidnapping and brutalization never crossed my mind oddly enough, though he should've been the first suspect. It's a sad fact that House has too many enemies to count.
VivatRex chapter 71 . 7/11/2012
I just read a fic about House getting viciously gang raped.
And I loved it.
My only regret is a lack of Huddy... but we can't have it all. I applaud you. This kept me on the edge of my seat, I screamed, I cried, I panicked... it was very emotionally stirring. Simply fantastic. Once again, well done!
VivatRex chapter 67 . 7/10/2012
VivatRex chapter 45 . 7/9/2012
Sweet! The POTW from "One Day, One Room"! WIN!
VivatRex chapter 8 . 7/6/2012
It's always Tritter.
AnotherChapterOfMe chapter 71 . 6/10/2012
Wow. Just wow. Awesome. The whole story. I read it all in two days. You are wonderful. This story was wonderful. I literally couldn't stop reading.

My only complaint is that House and Wilson SHOULD have ended up together, but Wilson and Jenna are really cute too. Again: you are awesome. AWESOME.
AnotherChapterOfMe chapter 68 . 6/10/2012
My love for the author of this story has reached an unimaginable level right now, okay? Okay.
AnotherChapterOfMe chapter 67 . 6/9/2012
HE'S DEAD! HE'S DEAD! HE'S DEAD! CHEERS! Omg thank you. You're awesome, okay? AWESOME.
AnotherChapterOfMe chapter 62 . 6/9/2012
Wow. Mean.
AnotherChapterOfMe chapter 60 . 6/9/2012
I knew it. I KNEW IT. Why would you do this? WHY? And yet I find myself unable to stop reading until House is okay and safe, preferrably in Wilson's warm embrace. *Sigh*... One can always dream, right?
AnotherChapterOfMe chapter 59 . 6/9/2012
I am really happy right now, but you're scaring me because there are still 12 chapters left. Oh God. Haha. Awesome job, AWESOME job. It's 3:15 AM and I do not plan on interrupting my reading until the story is over.
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