Reviews for One Positive Attribute
StarAvengerWho chapter 1 . 1/2/2018
There was/is no George IX (ever, when Prince George becomes king he'll be George VII) as you said there was.

I can't forgive you for maybe meaning George IV because he was REGENT from 1811 and at this point you state Hornblower is a lieutenant so it's before 1803. You mean George III.

I'm guessing you're not British because I knew that when I was six or seven.

Apart from that it was brilliant and I would love to see it continued.
Obsessive Freak chapter 1 . 2/20/2016
Great story, I just love the relationship between these two!
beatlesaddict chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
I think there's one instance of "you're" being used where it should have been "your", and I would suggest you probably mean George IV, rather than IX, but those are the only issues - I enjoyed the plot immensely, and there are little details - such as making up the beds being a very Horatio thing to do - that furthered that enjoyment. Bravo.
Solatrum Mortale chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
LOL "Your fault" That was great! Well done, I really enjoyed your characterizations.
Miranda C chapter 1 . 9/19/2009
very interesting fic, it was really amusing esp. the last part. : )
Sachita chapter 1 . 3/28/2009
A very interesting one-shot. Well-done.
nothingtoseehereatall chapter 1 . 10/24/2008
I found this extremely amusing, well done! You've got the characters interaction down pat (although I'm not sure about King George's personality as you portrayed it but then I don't study British history) and its so rare to find good Hornblower fan fic that doesn't involve slash these days. xD
fictitiousshore chapter 1 . 6/10/2008
I really rather enjoyed this, and can't wait to read the next bit. There is more, isn't there...? *hopes*
lhunalph chapter 1 . 6/7/2008
great story! very well written :) I like Horatio/Pellew stories, and this one is pretty true to their characters!