Reviews for Pivot: Part II of The Concurrence Arc
nozomi-NN-chan chapter 1 . 3/24/2019
Omg this second part was beautiful, I loved to read how they meet!
keepsakeatlas chapter 1 . 3/3/2019
This made me tear up oh my god, perfection.
freckledizuku chapter 1 . 10/30/2016
Tuesday'sHere chapter 1 . 6/25/2016
Gggaaahhhh I am a failure I didn't comment on the first one even though it was awesome, forgive me! Both of these, I freaking loved them! Funny and deliciously dirty but also so damn tender and loving how do you fit it all into a one-shot? Absolutely wonderful I am super happy that you wrote these and posted them for us to read, thank you for that!
Tuesday'sHere chapter 1 . 6/24/2016
Gggaaahhhh I am a failure I didn't comment on the first one even though it was awesome, forgive me! Both of these, I freaking loved them! Funny and deliciously dirty but also so damn tender and loving how do you fit it all into a one-shot? Absolutely wonderful I am super happy that you wrote these and posted them for us to read, thank you for that!
logo.schwartz chapter 1 . 4/13/2016
I first read this years and years ago, and it's stuck with me every since. I could read this story a thousand times and it still makes puts me through the emotional roller coaster, from panting horny to tearful happy. You're an incredible writer - very few people capture the pain and joy of emotional vulnerability in entire novels, let alone a short piece of fanfiction. I hope that even if you've left fanfiction behind that you're still creating stories.
Travesti chapter 1 . 1/8/2016
I wasn't expecting that solution! Awesome story! I'd love to read a longer story if you decide to extend it!
coworly chapter 1 . 2/9/2015
Ugh that was perfect. I just loved how you conveyed the intensity of their emotions.
MilkyRuu chapter 1 . 6/7/2014
Oh my god
I just so.. Speechless
This is so beautiful
So deep and not just a hot steamy sex
My heart clenching when sasuke crying
And the end of the story was so fluffyyy
So sweet
Sasuke just so adorable
And Naruto, I don't how it is, he just like a perfect boyfriend
Ugh.. You both just let me kiss you!

I don't know what to comment anymore
And sorry for bad english
Question chapter 1 . 4/2/2014
Wait... So what happened to Sai & Deidara? Is the cheating still continuing or did they cleanly broke up?
LouiseUchiha chapter 1 . 2/4/2014
This was so beautiful!
Sasuke really loves him
minasuka-chan chapter 1 . 7/25/2013
ok, so here is my comment:
i absolutely loved it! it has the perfect mix between sweet and sexy! im a huuuge fan of naruto taking over and this one was absolutely one of my favorites!
u made my day! :)
HavenCraze chapter 1 . 12/6/2012
D'awww! I loves it!
How it went from got sex to deeper meanings. So good
kazoe chapter 1 . 6/7/2012
I read both parts but I like this better cause you show more of their relationship.
Phantasium chapter 1 . 5/2/2012
Perfect ending, I'm amazed! You really portrayed the emotions well and I loved it!
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