Reviews for Comfort In Surreality
Guest chapter 5 . 4/15/2018
More please
Guest chapter 5 . 4/14/2018
More please it’s been awhile since anything new. Please don’t give up
Radita chapter 3 . 2/7/2017
NamiHello chapter 5 . 8/26/2016
I've been utterly enchanted with your fic. I love the way you have taken this plot so far. It's been intriguing and very enjoyable to read.

Sakura's characterization is just fantastic, her thought process is so interesting to read, not only from her own POV, but Kisame's and Kakashi's were insightful as well.

I find it admirable that you were able to form your version of Sakura from what she once was. You put the effort to do so whereas most writers would simply do "Fake mask," and make that as their excuse for instant badassery.

I really found those parts where Sakura compared team 7's lack of connection, to other teams, and Anko one of the most fascinating parts. I don't think I've ever read that type of insight before, and I enjoyed the new material. Not only was that new, but how you consider Sakura to be able to change herself based on her WILL. I've never considered Sakura's fight with Ino over Sasuke as admirable, (which it isn't) but it was enlightening to see it from that standpoint.

As for Akatsuki, I was really surprised to read your version of them. Not because there aren't fic where they act like dorks around each other. But because usually in semi-serious, (Where it's not really HUMOR exactly, where it's more focused on the darker aspects of the plot,) and you've combined those two into one. The Akatsuki still have that kind of comrade-ship that most think they would have behind closed doors, but you also included some distance (granted, not so much were they ignore each other and so on,) between the members that the actual series mostly shows.

I'd be really interested to see how Sakura molds under the Akatsuki, because at the moment, she still has people in Konoha, such as Anko, Kakashi, ect. that she cares about. However, with you're point of she can change herself based on her will, she could decide to completely tie herself to Kisame, rather than to BOTH Konoha & Kisame (& Akatsuki possibly).

Side thing... ARG! ANGST! Poor Kashi-Chan is all, "Sakura can fix me! & We can catch up at din-din when she arrives!"
and the Akatsuki are like, "Welp, we kidnapped her... Sorry Konoha, you're kinda doomed now." (Not really, but close enough.)

Man, I really would've liked to see how Sakura reacts to Kisame again in front of the Akatsuki, I had a few scenarios that were;

Sakura: "I'll accept if Kisame is my teacher."
Pein: "Alright."
Kisame: "What? Sure I'm kind of trying to stalk her at all possible moments, but I don't want that responsibility!"
Sakura: "You owe me anyways."
Kisame: "Hey, I saved you're life for that last debt."
Sakura: "Yes, but I ended up being interrogated by Sand-Anbu. I deserve a reward."

Sakura stares intently at Kisame: "I want you to be my teacher/partner."
Kisame's intrigued: "Why?"
Sakura: "Because I'm kind of obsessed with you, and you've become mine by default when we met in wave."
Kisame: "What!?"
Sakura does sassy hair-flip: "Deal with it. You're mine now, and you'll never escape!"
Kisame's not really sure what's happening: "What?"
Sakura doesn't dignify him with anymore responses as she walks away.

Wow, this was pretty big from my usual, "I think your story is cool!" reviews, LOL.
So I'm going to end it on the note that, I don't know if you're even on your fanfiction account, and it doesn't seem like you're going to continue the fic, but thanks for sharing it with us readers. You incorporated many new interpretations of how the characters act/shape out, (mainly Sakura,) that I feel like I learned something new about the characters.

Again, Thanks for writing!
Wolf chapter 5 . 6/1/2016
This is a very interesting and good story. Please update soon!
XBrightCitiesx chapter 5 . 11/12/2015
Omfg! I love this so much! (BTW the f one omfg is freaking ;D) anyways this is so...different it's amazing! Honestly! Please make more chapters soon!
Teyona chapter 5 . 10/30/2015
I knew I shouldn't have read this because it hasn't been updated in years, yet in a way I'm glad I did I loved every bit of this like how Kakashi wants to keep Sakura whole while Kisame wants her to also keep her innocence. I really hope that one day you'll at least post up the whole plot and give my poor soul a piece of mind. All in all it was really great and I don't know how to express it all.

P.S. Loving how Sasori is getting interested. Maybe he wants a new puppet of her?
lacomtessa chapter 5 . 10/19/2015
What's this? A good 'Sakura joins Akatsuki' fic? What? Last updated in 2009? Dang it!
Guest chapter 5 . 10/5/2015
PLEASE update i really love it
lollapoloser chapter 5 . 7/20/2015
Ah yes, it's so nice to find good kisasaku fan fiction~ too bad you're no long updating *cries*. Anyway just wanted to say that i loved what you wrote! Thank you for the great read~
ByAGhost chapter 5 . 6/22/2015
Man, it has gone 6 years since this was updated. Six. Years. I feel old... Anyhow, what I want to say is that this fiction, is just absurdly awesome. It's in all brutal truth amazeballs. I just cant stop reading it over and over, finding it flawless every time I reread it. You capture the characters amazingly well, and I especially love how you don't make Sakura some weakling, in fact, she is a force to be reckoned with, even by S-class criminal standards. It's sad however and grieves my heart, to see it incompleted. I sorely wish you would read this (you might never because you might have changed emails and this message would never reach you but let's believe it does) and find inspiration to finish this awestriking story, cause it is just SO INCREDIBLE. Even after 6 years, I'm still going to continue waiting and will do so the rest of my life for this to see it getting completed. Believe it.
kittykitty34 chapter 5 . 3/11/2015
Please continue! ! This is such a good story! I love it a lot..
Blue-10-Spades chapter 5 . 10/12/2014
Awww simply adore this fic. Really hope you continue it again.
Blue-10-Spades chapter 1 . 10/11/2014
I think I read this before, long ago and I'm really glad to read it again. Absolutely love this story :)
Okumura Hikari chapter 5 . 8/18/2014
I love this story! Pls update soon
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