Reviews for Home Fires
Guest chapter 6 . 1/27/2018
Cool, yeah. Thanks
Louise Thorpe chapter 20 . 8/26/2013
I know i'm 5 years late but this is amazing :)
edwardfiend chapter 21 . 11/5/2012
Beautiful story! I absolutely loved it! It was enthralling and addictive. :)
Muse Dae chapter 21 . 10/8/2012
God this was really, absolutely fantastic and I loved every second of it. Honestly, you should see my skype. It's filled with me sending quotes from this story to my best friend. I just couldn't stop laughing. You portrayed them perfectly, and sometimes I forgot they were in the 1940s! God, the entire thing was just phenomenal. When I found out Djaq couldn't have children? CHRIST I CRIED. I actually bawled. And Will's proposal was just flawless, so perfect of their relationship. They were just generally perfect. This was just generally perfect, on every level. Definitely a favorite of mine for a long time to come! I literally just sat down and read it straight through from about 5 pm to now, about 3 am. (Okay, admittedly I got distracted by tumblr and a really long running group skype session that I didn't actually look at but listened and talked to...SHH)

Okay all in all, this was phenomenal and flawless and you are incredible.
AllIsButToys chapter 21 . 3/6/2012
Such a find! Your story is ridiculously under reviewed for something so brilliant. I loved the characterisation of your players and thought that every word was believable and in line with the BBC characters. A really worthwhile read. AllIsButToys
Dancer89 chapter 21 . 7/1/2011

I loved it!

The build up to relationships, the gender confusion, Will's heartbreak over his father, Djaq's unsureity(sp?) over her scar and its consequences - all done to absolute perfection!

Nec22 chapter 21 . 5/26/2011
Can i just say - and i know im well behind the times here - that this is probably the best fanfic ive read! It goes up against many books, and honestly i probably would have bought it in book format if i had to!

It stuck with me long after i read it - i dont usually review things cos im not that serious a reader but i absolutely had to tell you what i thought of this!

It was believable, moving, funny and honestly i could go on all day!

Thank you for the immense enjoyment i got out of reading this story!
AlmaLinda chapter 21 . 9/4/2010

I started reading this story almost immediately after I finished Second Chance, because I was so enamoured with your style of writing. Really, it's captivating. I have to admit, I almost gave up on Home Fires after a few chapters, because great though it was, I had been hoping for something a little more parallel to the canon plot.

Let me just say, I am SO glad I stuck with it. I found myself rushing home from work every single day to drink up more of it. It was so intoxicating.

I don't really know where to begin telling you exactly how much I loved this story, or for what reasons... You've probably heard it all before, but I want to join the many who have told you what an amazing gift you have. You brought these characters to life, so much so that I cried multiple times while reading this. The entire story was so great that you could probably change the names and publish it as its own story, and it would still be marvelous.

You did a stunning job of conveying the feeling of growing up in wartime. That way in which real life goes on, the adjustments that are made, the fear, anxiety-everything. I can't word it, I'm not as talented as you. But you did it. It's all here.. Just thinking about it makes me want to cry again.

WHY did I have to speed through the entire thing? I wish I was still working my way through it. I'll probably reread it many times..

Some instances are burned into my memory, like the very first time Will and Allan see Djaq, the moment Allan declares he's already enlisted, and when Djaq confesses her inability to bear children.. it all made them so real, I feel as though I was in their world, invisible, watching it all happen (if only that were so.. I'd give anything to leave THIS world for a more adventurous life!)

Near the end, when Djaq was sick almost thought you were going to surprise us all with a miraculous pregnancy, but I'm glad you didn't. It just made it more realistic. That's just life. These things do happen.

I feel like begging you to write more RH fics... i know I'm a little behind the times-I only started watching it recently because I got a free Netflix account, but needless to say, I am infatuated and have been speeding through as much as I can, trying to absorb it into my very skin. Reading fics like yours have made the experience all the more special. I want to thank you for that from the very bottom of my heart. You've given me something to return to, after shitty days at work, and something to daydream about while I'm still at work ;)

Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your great gift with us.

And for what it's worth, I'm GLAD your stories are long.
Zee chapter 20 . 12/11/2008
your stories are amazing, and as has been said before, i'm not really a big fan of AU stories, but this one was wonderful..

you portrayed the characters perfectly, and i love how much self control Allan had to do with Djaq, just showed how much of a good person he is.. and Will and Djaq were absolutely perfect (as they are) and i just loved it!
Ravenya03 chapter 21 . 11/12/2008
I can't believe it's taken me this long to review this! Well, I actually I do, it's because I usually avoid AU fics, but this was just great. I was sucked in from the first chapter, and it certainly didn't hurt that you were writing about my favourite three characters of all time.

I suppose this was mostly a love story and a coming-of-age story, and the thing that made it so unique was that you simply let Will and Djaq fall in love with each other. There were no contrived arguments or misunderstandings that we see all the time in awful Hollywood "romances", and even things that could have been a viable obstacle to true love (Allan, the difference in religion/race, and even the war itself) are just breezed through by the couple. Because they love each other too much to let anything phase them, making this one of the best love stories I've ever read.

And then there was Allan, and your version of him nearly broke my heart. I think it's right what you said, that he's rather immature, and that's why he missed out on Djaq this time around, but you kept little touches that were just beautiful: like giving her the shoes before leaving, or having him learn her secret all on his own, and (sob) carrying a picture of her through the war - and that little kiss she gives him (my shipper heart squealed for joy). And the way he always barges in on the couple, even into their bedroom - I'm not sure if it was your intention, but I got the distinct impression that he was trying to live vicariously through the happy couple, knowing that they had something very special together that he could never quite be a part of. And I kinda like the way you didn't shove in a random love-interest for Allan toward the end of the story: once you meet Djaq, you can't go back.

Um what else? I loved all the WWII details (like drawing the seams), and the way you bring out the personalities of minor characters on the show, particularly Luke and Aunt Annie (who never even APPEARED on the show!) She was a great character.

Okay, this is already an essay (I wished I'd found this story before it was finished and put it on alert!) so I'll finish up by saying, yes, I WAS teary-eyed by the finished.
hippie-girl 31 chapter 21 . 10/7/2008
I have been meaning to read this story for a while now, but I am not a big WWII fan nor am I much for , I finally starting reading it two days ago and it was !I'm sure that I don't have to tell you that, considering all of the reviews you've gotten, but I really loved the whole thing.I could not stop reading 're a great writer and it was a lot of fun to have Djaq, Will, and Allan out of the forest for a your depiction of the dynamic between the three of them was very realistic.I can't tell you enough how brilliant this story has been and how much I have enjoyed reading it.I wish I had started it for a fabulous tale.
CalonLan chapter 21 . 10/4/2008
Ah, this epilogue did come to me as a bit of a surprise, but I'm glad you wrote it and posted it!

Loved it...aah, can't believe that we've seen the three of them, Alan, Will and Djaq grow up from young teenagers to adults, it was such a lovely story and such a lovely ending!

Looking forward to seeing more of your work, as always, it was excellent!

Keep up the good work and KEEP writing...don't know what FanFiction would do without you!
sherwoodgal chapter 21 . 10/4/2008

This just made my day...I won't go into how much I love this story, cos I already have, but THANK YOU

(PS: I love that image of Allan and the baby, it's very sweet)
WishfulTrance chapter 21 . 10/4/2008
oh my god- i just got back from essays and FINALLY opened my laptop and found this gorgeous chapter! E! Aw, that little scene with lil' Danny was CUTE, and twins? Cuter! Love this story. Write more e!

iheartlife89 chapter 21 . 10/4/2008
I did a double take when I saw the update for this chapter in my mailbox. I am so glad for another chapter though. It makes the ending slightly less bittersweet, but not stagnant since they are moving onto new beginnings away from Nottingham. V. lovely. Thank you again for this story. It is a definite favourite! P.S. Way to go for being a "smultz" - I think you called it that - at the end of this chapter. Appreciation and emotion can be v. good. Later days..
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