Reviews for Desire
DS chapter 1 . 8/23/2014
Beautiful! By the way, I saw your intro of yourself and want to say that your stories is very very beautiful and if people have problem with the fact that the author is gay, then what they say is dragon dung. I am not gay myself, but anyone who writes stories like you do has a beautiful soul, no matter what others say. My heartiest wishes for your journey.
Allie Danger chapter 1 . 1/5/2014
I loved it
sapphireswimming chapter 1 . 4/12/2012
Beautiful bonding. I love the way you write these two in their interactions. :D

lifechiaroscuro chapter 1 . 3/4/2011
simple,but a good story
peanutmeg chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
Such a wonderful story - thanks so much for sharing! I love how Peter comforted Edmund, and it shows their relationship wonderfully!
ibelieveintruelove chapter 1 . 12/14/2008
Yay for Edmund and Peter being the best brother duo ever! lol Really cute story - nice work!
spinningleaves chapter 1 . 10/11/2008
Aww healing for Edmund! I love Peter's warmth and patience!
Rolletti chapter 1 . 6/29/2008
Okay, dude, so not fair. It's like 1:20am and I have to get up at 5am to go to work, BUT I CAN'T STOP READING YOUR DELICIOUS WORK OF ART! I need another box of tissue here, and I think I'm going to start sending you the bill for them.

Once again this is fantastic. I love how Peter is a constant, keeping his family safe, not just physically but emotionally as well. Peter comforting Edmund is heroic in itself, with the reward being a few greatful tears. I could just hug you.

Window2MySoul chapter 1 . 6/25/2008
very well written. i love it. i like how peter knew what edmund needed and how edmund needed to be comforted. great story.
ElfishScallywag chapter 1 . 6/23/2008
...Okay, now you *did* make me cry. It's breathtaking.

"In truth, he boy wanted nothing more than to say that no, he was not all right, not in the least, that he needed somebody to put their arms around him and tell him that it was all right, that the snow would melt and this pain would ease and that it was all right to cry, for he hadn’t in so long and it was beginning to hurt, but he couldn’t. When you were fifteen, you didn’t get those kinds of people. You had to learn to cope on your own."

You just put so much into words there... Great job, I love it. You're an amazing writer!
runtus maximus chapter 1 . 6/4/2008
I love your Peter/Edmund dynamic. It's very touching without being incestuous.
aniuwolfe chapter 1 . 6/3/2008
Gah! I read, then I review. It's 4:39 in the morning, and I can't stop myself from reading your writing! It's so beautiful! *sniffles*

Okay, I'm done. Lovely piece, as always. Your writings have once again pleased my inner fangirl. 3

Oh, and while I read this I found myself listening to a song called Halcyon by Mono. It matched the writing very well in my opinion. After all, halcyon is another word for peace. (now for cheap advertisement: the song is on youtube.) I think you might like Mono: just my impression of you that I get from your writing. )

Andi Horton chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
Okay, I will save sniffling til I am done reading these :P I love one shots! I especially love YOUR one shots. They are so rich and full of life; I think they're delicious in the same way that your chapters are delicious, simply because you have a real talent for capturing so very much in such a short, sweet space.

I think my favourite part of this one was the balance of it- how the narrative paints the picture that the dialogue doesn't, while the dialogue itself, by its very brevity, completes the image. In the one-line exchanges I can so clearly envision the two brothers, the one with so very much on his mind and heart and the other one just willing to sit there and be ready to receive it whenever Edmund wants to let it all out.

The lack of names within the narrative was an especially fine touch, and naming Edmund at the very end gives a sense of restoring him to personhood at last. Simple, sweet, and inescapably satisfying. Love it.
Aqua Mage chapter 1 . 5/25/2008
Very nice. I love seeing Peter the big brother.
Shadow-ofthe-Night35 chapter 1 . 5/23/2008
Ah, could Peter do that for *me* in December? That would be a nice Christmas present... :)

This was beautiful. Thank you.

Keep Writing!

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