Reviews for A Little Bit Of Both
sasunaru1827 chapter 1 . 6/30/2019
This was lovely..
TheLadyPendragon chapter 1 . 4/30/2010
Aww, that was adorable. :D
Jazmingirl chapter 1 . 1/31/2009
I actuallty mark this AMAZING story as a favourite but now I will leave you a review is awesome and so sweet please if you can writte another one
Blood White Panther chapter 1 . 10/7/2008
This is incredibly sweet. I particularly enjoyed these bits:

Angela awkwardly analyzed, “Mr. Petrelli, frankly I don’t believe that your brother is capable of speaking ill of you. He’s done nothing but rave about your helpfulness during his entire interview.”

But she could not shake off the feeling that Nathan and Peter were staring more than just brotherly affection across the table with their gazes. They were brothers. But they were probably also lovers. A little bit of both.

“I’ve never seen my brother happier before.” Peter added in.

So adorable.


P.S. Have you been keeping up with season 3? I'm fond of Nathan/Peter because it's adorable, but I have to say the Petrellicest potential just got WAY hotter.
NailPolishRemover chapter 1 . 9/27/2008
Aw, this was so well written, and the last line was awesome! ;)
Ten.For.A.Ten chapter 1 . 9/7/2008
second season was aweesome, I don't know why so many people hated it, it was so frickin cool and this thing was adorable! :D
Turbo Toad chapter 1 . 8/6/2008
I see you either:

a) went to Comic-Con International 2008 or;

b) saw a recorded version from Comic-Con 2008.

That episode (which i saw at CCI 2008) is what made me start watching Heroes, and have loved it ever since. Thank you for making such a beautiful fanfic!
A Fan chapter 1 . 5/31/2008
ive read all of ur stories and i'm ur biggest fan, julia! i think dat u have big talent and ull be publising books soon! i reely luv ur stories and think dat they r out of dis world gr8! i wish i culd rite like u cuz u have lots of talent! i think r/s is reely cool the way u rite it and my fav story from u is definatly how 2 make bubbles amusing and i thought we did. they rock 4 me i have even shone my freinds ur site cuz ur so good. i reely like heros 2 and house is pretty awsome as well. u rock, gurl, keep on riting!
optimistic girl94 chapter 1 . 5/18/2008
You wrote this so well. I absolutely loved it. I loved how the reporter was very respectful about what to report and what not. Very very well written.
Paige and the Loquacious Table chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
*waves* Hi! And, OMG, like, seriously - is that spoiler true? SERIOUSLY? Lucky Angela - unfortunately I couldn't read Angela without thinking of Mrs. Petrelli!
D.Is.So.The.Man chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
Go Nathan/Peter! I love ya and I love this!
MiloVentimigliaIsLove chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
:D Yay Petrellicest! You are the best, Julie!
hermionegranger47393 chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
Love for Petrellicest and love for YOU! :D

great job! :P
HelplessRomantic chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
this was deliciously amazing! :P
Veterization chapter 1 . 5/17/2008
So adorable! Petrellicest is the bomb :D

The plane explosion analogy and the blood donation analogy is so amazingly clever and brilliant :P
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