Reviews for Renji Reflection
XxReighxX chapter 2 . 3/15/2015
This story was great until you broke the fourth wall.
XDARKERXDESIREX chapter 15 . 8/8/2014
The omakes are the funniest i have read in fanfic! I really like how the chapters are disjointed but follow a plot line at the same time...
Bleachedechelon chapter 6 . 10/22/2012
This is the best ByaRen scene I have ever read...and I have read a lot. Tears are streaming down my face, not because it's sad, because it's so beautifully crafted. They are captured in the absolute delicacy of love. I looks forward to reading onwards. Thank you for this magnificent work, it's absolutely breathtaking. You do them such justice.
Rauwrtsch chapter 7 . 1/28/2012
Byakuya is absolutely hilarious in this chapter :)

LOVED it :)
pinksnowboots chapter 12 . 1/21/2012
Yes, I know I reviewed your other chapter about 20 minutes ago, but I couldn't help reviewing again. This may have been my favorite chapter. I adore the fact that they're working with the children of Rukongai, and Renji's definition of a family. They make sense together, and the sweetness of Renji's kitchen as an engagement gift was just perfect.
pinksnowboots chapter 10 . 1/21/2012
Wow. This chapter really changed the tone of the story. Before it seemed pretty serious, but still light. This chapter has some heavy stuff, and the way you wrote it and how they dealt with it was very well done. It got me roiling with anger at Daisuke, and fanfiction doesn't usually provoke such an emotional reaction. Masterfully done.
Kuropie chapter 15 . 10/9/2011
I loved it ,especially the omake were so funny; also I like Renji in this story his character is a little bit more stubble than in most stories and he can cook thank you! I would a renji to cook for me to lol!

I hope I'll see other stories like this and I look forward it .

I'll get a look to your profile to se see your others stories


Cptn. Suz chapter 15 . 8/20/2011
Oh man, that last line killed me. LOLOLOL
Cptn. Suz chapter 13 . 8/20/2011
OMG, omake 3!
Cptn. Suz chapter 10 . 8/19/2011
I quite like the high-end vocab, 'choler', 'dross', 'largesse'. There's no reason that fanfiction can't be erudite!
Sakurazu Sayo chapter 15 . 7/18/2011
gawd your omakes are hilarious! so glad i read this eventhough im a coupla years too late _
ObsidianJade chapter 2 . 5/2/2010
Your writing is incredible - the detail and emotion you put into this story is incredible. And I love the fourth-wall references, if only because the idea of Matsumoto and Rukia as fanfiction connoisseurs and distributors is too funny to pass up. I adore your 'Matsumoto Fangirl!' series; it's the funniest thing I've read in ages.
Houtori chapter 15 . 4/21/2010
An extremely well-written fic - I really enjoyed the way you had Byakuya & Renji realistically & practically handle all the issues that comes with them being together. It's so charming and such a good read~
Aka Pine chapter 9 . 4/17/2010
I think you might be my writing soul mate. XD

Beautiful flow to this story, and the heart just aches at the tenderness between Renji and Byakuya.

And I'm still stiffling my laughs from your omake chapters. Between Byakuya cutting Renji's hair, being a closet pervert, and the anthriprimorphic personification of Renji's Hair fetish...I love you.

Just out of curiousity, are you the same hu3long2 that's been reading my Livejournal stuff? _
symphonyofsilence chapter 15 . 2/9/2010
wow just... just wow.

This was funny, tender, sweet, hot and goodness knows how many other words! The fact that it all started because of ByaRen fan-pics is definitely funny and your little asides with RH? absolutely fantastic. I was seriously laughing right into my computer screen at that.

I also really liked the way you got into the Kuchki world, I think this is the only story that has broached this subject (or at least the only one I have found). The intricacies of politics was done really well and it tied into the love story beautifully.

This whole story was thoughtfully written and you can really tell you love this pairing. five really big gold stars on this one.
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