Reviews for Chasing the Moon
emmacat1234 chapter 6 . 6/9
Insanely sad to not be able to find this story. If you do decide to continue it, please update this again so I can get an alert. I want to know what happensss
ItaSaku99 chapter 6 . 8/29/2019
Hey I cant find poison prince... Where it is? I want to read it soo badly...
melani18aguayo chapter 5 . 4/8/2019
... Lemmon? :'3
melani18aguayo chapter 6 . 4/7/2019
... Fui a la cuenta... y no habia nada! :''''v
Luumus chapter 4 . 10/22/2017
So Itachi uses Yuugao for sex without any consideration for her or even basic respect, then transfers her to another base, basically uprooting her and screwing with her career and life, making her leave her friends and the place she loved working at because he can't even keep it in his pants and not even treat her as human...?
You know what, this Itachi is a chauvinistic ass and I'm not sure I want to see him with Sakura. She deserves better, no matter how "devilish handsome" he is. And the way he talks about the women he's been with, as if they are toys to be enjoyed and discarded... it's not sexy, he's a f**tard of a manwhore. Not a decent human being. So yeah, I'm actually rooting for Sasuke in this.
jhian casey chapter 6 . 7/9/2015
hey there's no Poison Prince story in that "thevelvetbunny" account.. where actually is it?
hope you continue this though.. quite a cliffy there! im so excited on what's gonna happen next.. damn.. a womanizer itachi is hotter than a loyal itachi! hahah
becauseambatman1 chapter 1 . 5/29/2015
Oh god this chapter 10/10! Cant wait to read more!
rainingblood666 chapter 6 . 10/21/2014
Hey by any chance did you re-upload this story anywhere else? Because I can't find it. I truly enjoy this story and how it is playing out. I hoped to read the continuation.
The Last Deathly Guardian chapter 1 . 11/29/2013
Wow! Love your descriptive senses! Really well done!
ImmaPiratte chapter 6 . 10/28/2013
Ehem, I really like this story and I just checked your new account, "thevelvetbunny," looking for the continuation of this story, "Poison Prince," but alas it was not there. WHAT ARE YOU TRYING TO DO!? There was nothing! I'm so sad! I LOVE THIS STORY, SO WHERE IS IT! Please, I beg of you! Don't leave this discontinued! PLEASE. Continue on with this...
ImmaPiratte chapter 1 . 10/28/2013
So I usually don't ever review a story with more than one chapter on the first chapter and I especially don't when the story is older. But HELLA DAMN, this chapter was LONG! This might have been the longest first chapter I've ever read... I mean shit, It was the never ending chapter. But I loved how painstakingly detailed everything was! Great chapter!
AnjuHime chapter 6 . 6/10/2013
So... ah, where is Poison Prince? i can't find it!

Well, I really like this story! So... things were getting intense! It's a shame that you won't continue this... :c

Itachi as a womanizer... dear god, i think i'm in heaven! ahahahah Awesome :)
someone chapter 6 . 12/11/2011
Where is this "poison prince" fic? I can't find it! has it been deleted or something?
circleoval chapter 6 . 2/1/2011
I like Chasing the Moon. So far, I prefer it to Poison Prince. I like the outpost setting and your character development so far. Poison Prince may end up becoming more interesting, but I wish you would continue Chasing the Moon as well. They seem like very different stories to me.
User chapter 6 . 1/28/2011
I can't believe Chasing the Moon has been abbandoned in favor of it's spiritual successor, Poison Prince. And just when things were getting intense! *sobs* Here's hoping all the plot elements introduced so far get carried over.

And , don't worry about those tomatoes. Writers love critical feedback as helps improve their technique. You should review Poison Prince once you're done, as I'm sure the-ramen-fiend(now thevelvetbunny) would appreciated your support with his/her new fic.

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