Reviews for Dancing Diplomats
Reveriemare chapter 1 . 1/21/2014
Lee's cluelessness and freak out moments are so hilarious and his arguing with Gaara had me laughing out loud :D And this seriously was your first Naruto fanfiction? Wow, you're talented, keep writing! This story is great, thanks for writing it!
Bondomu chapter 1 . 12/19/2013
I bloody love it so much :D ! :D
Karaoke-Kitten chapter 1 . 12/28/2011
This is the most amazing thing I have read in ages. I'm laughing so hard right now and grinning like a total moron. Applause for you xD
Galactic Foxes chapter 1 . 10/9/2011
Oh! We have an impatient Gaara!I was laughing the whole entire time. "Pressing matters of utmost importance" Who knew Gaara had a bit of humor in him haha!
GameAmy chapter 1 . 9/25/2011
*Head Desk* Lmfao, it's always Kankuro ain't it? XDD Poor Kankuro! He's been mind-fucked yet again XDD This was amazingly funny XDD
niina chapter 1 . 6/24/2011
i don't remember if i reviewed it already. oh well.

it' a surprisingly in character fic. and surprisingly lovely even to those who couldn't quite picture lee... in anything like that. and it was funny. thanks for writing.
Anonimasu chapter 1 . 6/15/2011
Why on earth does this not have more reviews? Oh well I am correcting that now. This fic was so funny. I honestly cannot pick a "best line ever" because every other line was the best line ever. This is by far one of my favorite Gaara/Lee fics ever.
uncertainAuthor chapter 1 . 7/17/2010
O.O I wonder who moaned... awesome story and i love Gaara's excuse!
Rockleerox93 chapter 1 . 7/31/2008
OMG lol I just love GaaLee *this was so cute *
Sapphire Sphinx chapter 1 . 7/10/2008
OMG! That was so f*cking funny! I loved it, great job!
TheCityTurnsOrange chapter 1 . 6/23/2008
Oh, God, this is absolutely adorable! Lee's cluelessnes, Gaara's dry sarcasm and the completely random passion made this story just perfect. I think your characterization is brilliant, and your vocabulary too.

Best Lines Ever

"It's a dance, Lee. A formal dance which both of us must attend, wherein we shall socialize with foreign emissaries and diplomats from the other villages and pretend to be having a marvelous time. They will serve punch with too much sugar, salad with too much dressing, and biscuits with too much flour. There will likely be several women in attendance who may try to seduce either you or me, possibly both of us. Perhaps at the same time. We will stagger home at some obscenely late hour smelling of other people's cologne and I, personally, will not be able to abide the sight of another human being for a month. Temari will have to slip me my paperwork under the door. Do you have any further questions?"


Gaara... kissed? Lips, and... me. Tongue. What? Wait. Gaara. Me. Gaara and me? Tongue. Kissed Gaara. Tongue. Red... hair? Kissed. With tongue. Me. Why? Gaara, wait, what? How, when, tongue...?
jasefbhIAJSENLIKaebfjkDNKLSDJF chapter 1 . 6/11/2008
Damn. Damn, that was good. You write amazingly well, and your characters are perfectly in character. I loved all Gaara's lines ... and when Kankuro walked in ... *laughs* Great story! :D
jessica499499 chapter 1 . 6/9/2008
I'm surprised that Gaara was able to come up with so quickly!My mind would have been to muddled
Green Beast of Oita chapter 1 . 5/5/2008
Haha, that was amazing! Excellent writing style, and a nice vocabulary as well. Pleasing to read, and humorous as well! Keep up the good work.
Sabaku no Skyla chapter 1 . 5/4/2008
Cute! I loved this little fan fic, and that Gaara considers Lee a "pressing matter of utmost urgency"! lol
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