Reviews for Believe Me When I Say It's Real
Guest chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
seria interesante si agrega a tokugawa ,que tal un triangulo entre tezuka,ryoma y tokugawa
littlepanther chapter 3 . 6/3/2015
Tezuka's a bit of a jerk...I hope he'll realize it soon enough but without suffering first, I hope someone will take interest in Ryoma :)
Sou-chan chapter 3 . 5/3/2015
i hope your exam had been done smoothly

I can't wait to read the next chapter :D
Tank you for your hard work ;)
Guest chapter 3 . 4/21/2015
espero el proximo capitulo
Guest chapter 3 . 11/7/2014
espero el proximo capitulo
zzzzzzNot-in-Usezzzzzzzzz chapter 3 . 1/2/2014
Nice! Yes Kazu-chan should totally be in it. Looking forward to your next update...
TarundoruSlap chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Yessss we need Tokugawa.
XD I reacted the same way with my best friend, though she told me to suck it up and deal with it.
Do you like Sanada?
Hikari Manganji chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
commented without logging in earlier, love your story! don't stop
Guest chapter 5 . 6/6/2013
hi I'm loving the story please continue this, I know pillar pair is so underAppreciated but every gem of a pillar pair is worth a lot! sorry I couldn't write a longer review in my mobile since I'm reading from work but keep up the pillar pair fics please, this premise sounds awesome
Guest chapter 3 . 5/29/2013
This is good. Maybe concider ryoma and goods family thinking of going back to the states.
yukari123 chapter 5 . 5/21/2013
Yes! I want Kazuya to appear! Please? I actually had a little fangirl moment when they first encountered each other. XD I think there's some chemistry between him and Ryoma.
Cielheart Ie'chan chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
Lol, never see this fic before, but really glad u want to continue them... Love it, but I really dont mind to see Tokugawa on them. I mean, with the way Tezuka hurting Ryo-chan feeling, it's fair to make him hurt more when Ryoma have someone else wkwkwk... *slap!
Rikka-tan chapter 5 . 5/19/2013
Oh, I'm so into putting Tokugawa in!
He is so cool and you're right, he was like Tezuka's replacement albeit the more expressive one, and I also just love him the moment he appeared XD (maybe I just adore the stoic type, lol)

I screamed too when Tezuka just go to Germany! assdasfdasfkhfkhj! He should have at least tell Ryoma first!

Hmm, Maybe you could put Tokugawa as Ryoma's other love interest and make Ryoma date him (I want to see Tezuka jealous and lost his self-control and fell to sorrow, etc, etc, basically I just want to see Tezuka suffer, lol), as to who will be with Ryoma in the end, I'll just leave it to you. I LOVE Pillar and Edo pair equally much.

Good luck with the story :)
witheringroots chapter 3 . 5/19/2013
Hi! I'm really glad you're back :) I really liked this story but since it hasn't been updated in forever kinda just gave up on I'm super happy!
personally if Tokugawa is going to be in the story I'd want him to be there only to make tezuka jealous. But ryoma only likes him as a friend
dragonnia chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
j'avais déja ton histoire et je suis contente que tu la réécris
perso , j'aimerais bien que Ryoma se mette avec Kazuya cela fera de la concurrence a tezuka hé hé et bien bien fait pour lui pour avoir rejeter mon petit ryo bébé qu'il souffre maintenant nyark nyark mdrr
merci pour ton travail
et stp
la suiteeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
tres vite
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