Reviews for Liking It Rough
Moonflower26 chapter 11 . 11/5/2014
Thank you for finishing this wonderful work. Would love a little more of Chair in the end though. Epilogue would have been much appreciated I am sure, telling us whether or not Chuck made it to Tuscany under these circumstances.
Moonflower26 chapter 9 . 11/4/2014
Dorota was more fit to beat Dan than Chuck was, lol, I guess it's true. Wonderful work so far.
Moonflower26 chapter 4 . 11/4/2014
What a relief to know that C didn't suffer too much at G's hands. Him calling B's name is indeed sweet. Glad that Blair got to hear this story.
Moonflower26 chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
Now that was an intense beginning. I have read a couple of 'Georgina messing with Chuck in the past' scenarios and am cutious to see new version.
ladychrysanthemum chapter 11 . 10/24/2010
You have such a wicked sense of humor. I love how you rewrote little details of the original story that made the whole thing even funnier, like making fun of Serena, who thought that she actually killed someone by handing them a bad line of coke, or making Georgina a bisexual bitch who love Chuck and Serena, and the incredibly funny lovey-dovey relationship between Chuck and Snow White. Thanks!
miss-Tami-bass chapter 11 . 9/12/2010
aw, the Chuck/Blair was wonderful(as always). and, an interesting twist on the whole "Pete Fairman" thing. also, I'm glad you resolved the Chuck/Serena thing from the pilot, because, in the tv show, it seemed as if both of them, for some reason, forgot about the whole thing by next episode. sigh; I just love your writing :)

and yes, this is totally what should have happened in S1!


suspensegirl chapter 11 . 8/22/2009
Wow...that was great, really. THIS was great. This whole story was AWESOME. And I can't believe I read ALL 11 chapters today b/c I thought I hadn't read any. XD *should clearly have just seen which chapters she hadn't reviewed* Good job, though. Everyone who's supposed to be together IS together, and you wrote those last 4 episodes so awesomely. This is a great AMAZING story. )
suspensegirl chapter 10 . 8/22/2009
Oh my goodness. Wow...

For awhile there I thought the secret was going to be the same, and I was muttering to myself about how you supposedly said it was going to be different. *shakes head at self* But again, I love how you used basically the same scenes as in the show, but just altered their quality b/c of what has already happened earlier on in the story. Poor Serena...and WHAT THE HECK is Chuck gonna do? Kinda frightening that he was glad Georgina killed him. I mean, sure it was awful...but death? *shudders*

Well...*continues on*...good chapter. *gulping*
suspensegirl chapter 9 . 8/22/2009
At last! lololol. Ok, I said I was going to R & R this story, and it took me awhile, but I finally came around to it! *squeals* Excellent story, btw. However, unbeknownst to me, apparently I have read most of this story and just not these last 3 chapters. *mutters to self* But it must've been so long ago that I read it or that you updated, whatever the case...and so I had forgotten, forgotten the story and that I read it. All of it. But I have swiftly come around, as you can see...and I am quite enjoying this story, as well as this chapter. You write Georgina INSANELY WELL. You write everyone really well now that I think about it, but I really picked up on what you had HER doing and saying. It's amazing all her little comeback totally sound like something she would actually say. And as much as the whole...her being in love with Serena but supposedly destined for Chuck, is beyond twisted and totally works and is really believable. I can see everything in this story happening. You incorporate scenes from the actual episodes with just slight alterations and really make it work. It's very impressive and you've done an amazing job with everything. It's sick to think of Chuck doing ANYTHING with Georgina after everything with Blair, but some things are necessary I guess. *gags* Awesome, awesome story...I'm sorry it took me so long to catch up.
Ethereality88 chapter 9 . 8/7/2009
Best chapter yet!

Poor Chuck wasn't even in the running to kick Dan out! He's just not the physical fight kind of guy! Best to leave the punching to Nate. He seems to enjoy it. I'll be back in a little while to read the rest.
Ethereality88 chapter 8 . 8/7/2009
Way to go on keeping it canon with the show and still making it different enough to be far from a copy! Of course, due to tv issues and being unable to find the eps online, I've never seen all of any of the episodes at this point in the show, so I can't really say much about whether the show was better or not!

But I will say that I doubt the writers could have done much better than you have! Btw, the last section of this chapter was great! I could see the characters in my head saying and doing the exact same things.
annablake chapter 11 . 8/2/2009
"...he hated being lied to more than anything - except for maybe rich people." LOL! Dan, never change. (Or really do, but you're hilarious this way.)

Hahaha, "in the biblical sense, yes". Poor Dan gagging out a response. And then he almost fainted, LOL!

"...and of talking to Chuck about anything ever." Bwahaha, you totally crack me up with this fic.

Aw, what a beautiful and perfect ending. Chuck and Blair falling asleep in each others arms. (And Nate watching hehe.)

chillwithJyl chapter 11 . 8/1/2009
Aww. Good job! Is this complete already? It doesn't say on top. Haha. :))
Simply Lily chapter 11 . 8/1/2009
YES! I'm so happy to get closure on this story! I was afraid you weren't planning on finishing it. And what a finish too! I really loved this story and especially the dialogues and characterization(sp?). I mean, Georgie is the devil incarnate here and it makes sense - and I love the history you built for her and Chuck, very engaging and believable. Anyway, here's to hoping we'll see more from you very, very soon!
ArtemisCharmed chapter 11 . 7/31/2009
AH! HAPPY ENDING! And the boys will be okay.

I love Chuck interrupting GD and GC talking it all out while Dan is confused.

And Bart would so do exactly what CHuck said. *nods* YAY.

Parents are it! hehe.

And the CD convo was good. *nods*

LOVE LOVE LOVE SC! The wake up. The HUG! *SQUEAL* and the everything-is-okay between them. *SQUEAL*

BC! *swoon* Love 'em. And Nate's okay. He just wants his pot/bball buddy back. HEHE (Good boy, Natie.)
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