Reviews for The Girl
Dangerous Hope chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
Aww! *:'3
Southamerican Eggplant chapter 1 . 3/12/2010
AW! THAT is adorable. Megz, it seems tou are not all evil! *pats back*
GalvatronLikesPonys chapter 1 . 7/20/2009
Aw! That was so CUTE!
Taipan Kiryu chapter 1 . 6/29/2009
Aah don’t worry about the OOCness. An important part of fanfiction is taking our favorite characters to the playground and write those stories that we wanted to see so much but the actual cartoon would ignore them.

So I welcome and thank your imagination :o)

Oh yeah… I can understand your jelaousy. Megatron is a yummy dream…
Starscream's Amethyst chapter 1 . 4/21/2009
Aw that was cute!
FutureCSICrystal chapter 1 . 6/20/2008
aw, that was adorable. :D
Soultail Omega-Light chapter 1 . 5/1/2008
Sweet and innocent! I love it. Nice job. )
kyo anime chapter 1 . 4/30/2008
Love this story. Maybe you could do a sequel.
Dancing Mouse chapter 1 . 4/30/2008
Although I personally can't see Megatron being swayed by a Human, no matter how cute they are, it is nice to show a "softer" side to our favorite tyrant :)
Fatality of Mortality chapter 1 . 4/30/2008
Dear Pen Parley,

We've recently learned from the fans in this fandom that you are being an inconsiderate sswipe, completely disregarding that fandom's characters' canon characteristics (a.k.a In-Character personalities) and making your Mary-Sue out to be the f*cking wh*re that she is by voodooing these poor, defenseless characters into loving her and obeying her and just all-around making them so OUT-OF-CHARACTER. So much so, our eyes are bleeding and are intellectual minds have just suffered severe hemorrhaging, knocking us down a rung and bringing us horrifyingly closer to your stupidity level. Thanks to you, we now have to go through psychotherapy for the next six months in order to overcome this trauma.

We, the administrators of "Ghost's Writing Rules", highly suggest you f*cking stay out of this fandom until you've watched and/or read up more on these characters and their TRUE personalities before you EVER decide to THINK that you can write about them properly.

Sincerely yours,

The Basic Writing Skills Fanclub

P.S. What the F*CK was this piece of trash? You've got a lot of nerve, entering this fandom with your lack of talent and actually trying to pull it all like you do. "Slight OOC"? You just made Megatron f*cking smile and let a little girl go home all because she hugged him and whatnot when he threatened to kill her two or three times. If that isn't grounds for a very disgusting, future Mary-Sue (Oneshot or not), then I don't know what is.

- "Her light voice rains with buttercups, fire-flies on summer nights and creamy milk mustaches."

Wtf? Jesus Christ, ease up on the d mn poetry, and when I mean "ease up", I mean put on the brakes, put it in reverse, and floor the accelerator until you've backed up far, FAR away from this fandom. I swear, I think I hear even the fandom’s female authors of romance gagging.

You need to get something through your head, you obnoxious fangirl: Megatron is one bad ss villain . . . and my favorite character in this fandom. If you think I’m just going to stand by and let you ss-rape him with your ignorance any further, then you had better think again.

You WILL NOT destroy his Canon personality for the sake of your horrible Mary-Sues and your fangirlie daydreams. Megatron is one of the toughest villains to put in a romance . . . and still be able to keep him 99.9% in-character, and you've only proven to me that you CANNOT write him for sh*t and therefore I suggest you just cease any future thoughts on trying. H*ell, I don't recommend you write about ANY villain. I'd hate to see what you might do to Starscream.

God, you f*cking pre-teens.