Reviews for The Ties That Bind
hiyyyyy chapter 34 . 5/5
I know it has been 10 years or more... but please update
Severus-Loki-Sirius-Firestar chapter 34 . 9/12/2019
Please continue this story is amazing.
ZianaSue chapter 20 . 3/15/2019
we were not required to wait any amount of time. if the professor wasn't in the room when class was suppose to start we could consider class cancelled. mind you I stayed anyway and used the would have been class time to do other homework and study.
live-die-and-eat-3.141592 etc chapter 30 . 2/5/2019
Anywhooze? *laughs* Wonderful chapter! I love the part with Luna at the end :)
live-die-and-eat-3.141592 etc chapter 25 . 2/5/2019
Omg, I feel so bad for Harry right now...
Izzy is Dizzy chapter 23 . 2/5/2019
You LIKE Boot Camp?! *gives you expected incredulous look*
Vivi Carter chapter 19 . 2/5/2019
Invictus also means undefeated in Latin :)
Nicole Viven Lee chapter 18 . 2/5/2019
They drank Butterbeer sent by the TWINS?! *incredulous look*
Jasmine Julia Soleo Bias chapter 7 . 12/18/2018
the brought in in the vow could mean different things like what if harry brought ron inside the commonroom .see?
lily chapter 34 . 9/13/2018
wow this so great story I like it so much thank to make a good fanfic hpxss it have a little this pair so I will waiting for next with appreciate ( O V O )
Beersmoo chapter 34 . 7/11/2018
I still hope u finish this, it's been one of my all time favorites
scgaraycochea chapter 34 . 12/8/2017
hi, this is a great story, beautifuly wrote. Please I would like to know how it ends, and read the sequel.
Your are a finest writer. Thank you for this fanfic.
pupzpride chapter 34 . 7/6/2017
This story is so good, please tell me you're going to finish it.
Guest chapter 19 . 6/15/2017
OMG! I learned about the poem in my school! (It's just really exciting to see something familiar) ALSO I really love this story :D really proud of you
Jeanelle1910 chapter 34 . 2/5/2017
darling, no offence intendet, it is 2017 now.
I love your fic, i do, even though I only read it all now, but you went on hiatus, which is fine, and now six years later i read it until that and further and find.. nothing.
I hope you are well and enjoy the perks of life, I truly do. But I do hope that someday a new chapter pops up. One that does not include the words "hiatus" or "giving up".
I hardly suffer favorites of mine doing That. You are forgiven for the one time
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