Reviews for Spartan's Quest
Serenityin2 chapter 1 . 6/15/2017
Just finished reading Last Spartan and Spartan Quest for the second time, enjoyed them, each character and chapter. Very well written ️ Thank you If you ever decide to write again and add more to this storyline, I will read it.
Tess chapter 32 . 10/2/2016
Please let there be more?
Serenityin2 chapter 32 . 10/10/2015
I really enjoy this story, wonderful job!
hotforteacher3 chapter 32 . 11/29/2013
deanandjo4ever1 chapter 32 . 8/14/2013
Please continue love it a lot your a wonderful writer now I'm off to your other stories waiting on an update for prodigal son hehe
guineverekay chapter 32 . 7/6/2013
I started The Last Spartan last night and just finished Spartan's Quest. I couldn't put my laptop down. They were wonderful stories and I'd love to read more some day. I feel certain that I'm going to wind up having read every word you have published on FFN before my recovery is all said and done. Thank you again for entertaining me :)
Irishbrneyes chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
I love these two stories you have created for us out of Joss' world. Please, please, please say that you will be giving us a part three to this? Don't leave us hanging! Please!? 8-)
Erisa Daelyn chapter 32 . 4/5/2012
This series was very different from other Firefly fics I have read so far, and however odd it was throughout I ended up enjoying it nonetheless :) I hope to see a part 3 in the future, you can't just leave us hanging without seeing what happens with the bad guy!
Shell chapter 32 . 10/24/2011
Great story! I do hope there is another story in the works.I am still waiting for a wedding and Jayne has to find Brockman!An what happenes to Rivers parents? Does her father stop acting like a jackass? An Mal as a marshall is too funny. Oh I have no problem separating the scenes myself! It is nice that you try so hard. Thank you and keep up the amazing work.
JustLikeToRead chapter 32 . 8/7/2011
Awesome, thanks! :) Would, indeed, like more, though have a slight preference for Shade 'verse.
ljm chapter 32 . 1/30/2011
That was a great story. You left a half dozen different story lines that I hope some day you will be inspired enough to write about. You have created a fasinating Firefly verse.
RedEclipedTwilight chapter 32 . 1/22/2011
Hey you probably get alot of this but honestly thank you. I love the firefly series and Serenity and love not only that i can really about what happens after but told really well. The story is great and i really like what you have done with Jayne. I am in the middle of you shade series as well and cant wait to keep reading. So again, love the story, i cant wait to see what else you have in store not only for this story but in general for the firefly verse and thank you for sharing.
carick of hunter moon chapter 32 . 11/16/2010
This is a good sequel which you have thought out plot for and is a very good story that is well written.

I can say little more in this review as there is nothing that I can find fault within the story as a whole.

Except possibly your scene breaks and as a reader the only thing I can suggest is write each scene (plot/characters point of view) as a single chapter and then use the next chapter following the other plot thread (plot/characters point of view) as the chapter break will let you change scene move easily.

I hope this is of help and thank you for your hard work
BlueEyedBrigadier chapter 29 . 9/6/2010
Arrogance gets them every time...and Wilson just proved that he's way too arrogant for his own good, especially after losing so many men to the good guys. Awesome chapter, badkarma00 :D
Freyalyn chapter 32 . 9/6/2010
Thank you for writing this story for us (and you!) I know it's been hard at times, but it is really appreciated.
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