Reviews for Nothing Could be Better Than This
The Freaks chapter 1 . 5/23
Ugh I came back to read this story because it was an awesome joker fic but then I forgot that you deleted everything and started rewriting it and now I’m sad
HorrorFan13 chapter 5 . 2/17
Ohhh I want more!
ariandthediamonds chapter 5 . 1/23
This is so good! I can't wait for the next update!
ReaderFreak5000 chapter 5 . 2/13/2019
Oh man, I cannot wait to see who she decks with the chair! I hope to find out soon. Holy cannoli Batman (I couldn't resist), the anticipation is killing me! This is a great story!
Liam1094 chapter 5 . 12/9/2018
Amazingly written, excited to see where this goes! Love it1
Liam1094 chapter 4 . 12/9/2018
Will Bruce/Batman become a big part of this story!?
Liam1094 chapter 3 . 12/9/2018
I love this!
Liam1094 chapter 2 . 12/9/2018
Super good!
Liam1094 chapter 1 . 12/9/2018
Amazingly written, excited to see where this goes!
Cassie-011 chapter 5 . 11/23/2018
I love this!
The Freaks chapter 5 . 10/28/2018
So far, I like the story. I feel like it is pretty similar to the original but i have been able to notice a few differences. I am super excited to read your next chapter. Hope you post it soon!
~The Freaks
Saphireanime chapter 5 . 10/8/2018
I hope you don't give up on this. I like where it's headed
Fanfictionusername1 chapter 5 . 9/29/2018
Oh she finally fights back! I can’t wait to see who she hit!

I’m trying not to stalk the story lol- I just happened to be free when I just got the update email
Guest chapter 4 . 9/28/2018
Glad you’re uploading again! This was really good, just wish it was longer. Keep updating hahaha
Fanfictionusername1 chapter 4 . 9/27/2018
Well I was definitely not expecting THAT! Lol! I loved this story, and the way the joker was turning out in it, so I’m thrilled to see an update after so long, I read the whole thing again. I’m still following so please update again soon!
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