Reviews for Hellmouth High Schools Don't Have Reunions
Whyhow chapter 16 . 4/14/2015
Wait... This episode wasn't just filler, it prompted Mickey joining the TARDIS. I wonder how Rise of the Cybermen/Age of Steel would have gone without him, and how that might affect later episodes.
Whyhow chapter 7 . 4/14/2015
Was that a Discworld reference?
Shaybo27 chapter 20 . 12/4/2011
Loved it ;D
clawx2 chapter 20 . 7/27/2010
cool my favorite part was the conversation about the cage of Angel's soul between Buffy and the Doctor. was that a conversation in the show shoved to the Doctor and Buffy, I can't remember, but if you made it up good job i liked it
amanda040 chapter 1 . 1/31/2009
love it.

i ike it how u put a hint of romance in to the fic' with out letting it domminat the whole story.

and i really think the Doctor should pf taken Lassa's offer in that episode, dont u?
stsword chapter 20 . 11/12/2008
Quite enjoyed the story, although I think the Doctor would be broadminded enough to know that the difference between what he's seen and magic is just semantics.
timano chapter 20 . 7/15/2008
I thoroughly enjoyed reading this story! I'm not a great Buffy fan myself, but that's mostly because I didn't keep up with the series as it originally ran. And Doctor Who has always captivated my attention.

An excellent story. 10 out of 10 stars
Gamine Madcap chapter 20 . 6/9/2008
Wow. This is one of my favorite stories now. I absolutely wonderful. I love the Doctor stumbling for the American word for 'mobile'. As an American, I actually have to stop myself from saying mobile instead of cell phone, cause nobody would know what I was talking about (except for my close circle of fellow DW fanatics). that I've declared myself a true dork-keep up the fantastic work! Hope to see more Buffy/DW crossovers soon!
DT-RH-JA-JB chapter 18 . 6/9/2008
Frutellis? :)
SoManyObsessions chapter 20 . 6/8/2008
Very awesome.

Have fun overseas
Gamine Madcap chapter 17 . 5/21/2008
Hehehe...yay updates! Well, Buffy did burn down her old school...though it's all Willow this time. Great stuff, great stuff. Keep up the fantastic work and update soon!
Cellar Door 26 chapter 8 . 5/8/2008
Cute! I really like this crossover, and when school's over I'll finish what's here.

Rose Is teh boss of all heros, doesn't Buffy know?
Gamine Madcap chapter 15 . 5/7/2008
Cool. Though I wasn't expecting it to be Giles to do the fire alarm thing. But cool nonetheless. Keep up the great work and update soon!
Gamine Madcap chapter 14 . 5/6/2008
Wow. I actually wasn't expecting this to be so good. Sorry bout that. But now I'm hooked. You captured all of the characters perfectly, and you filled out the plot nicely so that all answers are accounted for. I especially liked the reasoning about how there could be demons and witchcraft in the same universe. Absolutely perfect. So, keep up the great work and update soon!
fictitiousshore chapter 14 . 5/5/2008
I just found this and read the whole thing in one go. And just, yay. This is great! You managed to keep everyone in character, and the shows mix surprisingly well. Plus, you gotta love the Doctor getting hit on. He always gets so adoreably ruffled 8*D
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