Reviews for My Silver Dog
Jerlanege chapter 8 . 6/12
A Sim. INU-YOUKAI completo e besta também.
wiseazreal chapter 16 . 3/23/2019
If you find yourself a few moments please update. Even if they are slow your wonderful story has wrapped me up and I can only speak for myself but they are wonderful stories finished or not.
Guest chapter 16 . 1/5/2019
This is a great story and i hope you still plan on updating it even though its been a long time since you last posted but; well i hope that you will find time to come back and finish this story.
Inu-nih-chan chapter 1 . 11/1/2018
Guest chapter 16 . 8/16/2018
Hiya Dr. Izky!

Hope all's well. Just checking in to see if things had settled down yet and if there was another chapter up! :) I'd love to see this completed so will check in from time to time. Thanks!
Iana Sabelle chapter 16 . 3/1/2018
I sincerely hope you’ll be able to retrieve your lost files and update this wonderful story soon. And congratulations for finishing your training! I’m assuming you’re also done with your fellowship.
Guest chapter 16 . 11/29/2017
I hope you can finish this story at s9me point. Though it has been years so you might have forgotten.

Anyway, in case you still get these I love this story.
HoboHeartLover chapter 16 . 10/6/2017
I see your profile was update in March... is this discontinued?

If it is/n't I would just like to say that this story was amazing and stunning. The reactions are realistic for the characters and I find your ideas impressive.

I know this hasn't been updated in forever, however I've seen stories be updated after the same amount of time (or the story ends up being rewritten).

Also hope being a doctor went well... don't know if thats what you still do...
Megankittypooka chapter 16 . 6/20/2017
I hope you Update again i would love to see where this goes hope work is treating you well
Ganzademon chapter 16 . 4/29/2017
Can't wait for the next chapter and more please update soon
Guest chapter 16 . 11/30/2016
This is so frickin adorable in the beginning. I had a silly smile on my face the first three chapters. I thought the doggy was cute but then when you pulled out the chibi? Yeah, I’ll admit it - I squealed. I loved the little okaasan stint there (not too long for it to be established/weird and you handled it very well with Kagome’s warring unsettled feelings and her maternal instincts). And Jaken as a wise old youkai…with a low voice? Haha! I didn’t mind the more open, expressive young Sess and didn’t see it as OOC at all cuz he’s gone back to his young self without his whole memories and experiences. You’re handling everything really well. I like that Kagome’s not going to turn full youkai (I love those stories too and prefer full miko youkai than hanyou) but in this story I felt it was appropriate that she doesn’t (cuz by that logic, shouldn’t Sess turn ningen? Lol and that’s certainly not one I wanna see, haha) and it’s cool that she retains some of the best features be it the tail, power, healing, or lifespan. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got planned for her new self. I presume Sess will at least have immunity to reiki attacks which is great…though his pinkish tail is rather disturbing to be honest.

I loved the story until the part with Rin dying. I really didn’t like it. It was done before in the anime so it felt boring (sorry nothing personal, just sharing my honest feelings! :)…also as cute as she is, I would’ve preferred the focus to remain on SessKag instead. Yeah, saving Kag would’ve been a new twist to the usual Sess’s mom and Meido story XD (Honestly I wonder if the lesson on compassion was needed for this Sess, maybe for the other “old” Sess who actually won’t exist once his old memories merges with now-teen Sess right? Lol). Also, while I don’t like people being tortured and all, I wonder was it okay for Sess to just release/purify all those hundreds of soul in hell? They were there for a really good reason right - I mean, those there would’ve been worst of the worst? I just wonder if there were hundreds of evil Naraku-like beings that are now freed? Anyway, I would’ve much preferred c14 to be about Sess’s time with his mom and finding out how exactly Naraku got to her castle and also her? Actually, c12-15 opened a can of worms that didn’t feel like it was really dealt with (or seem like it would be at all). I could see young Sess missing his mom and wanting to see her (that was great!) but thought it was insensitive to take Inuyasha to her castle. Even if Inuyasha is innocent of his dad’s and mom’s wrongs, she left for her castle when her cheating hubby brought his pregnant concubine home, and Inuyasha’s the ultimate reminder of her husband’s betrayal and end of her mating. I was actually looking forward to see teen Sess meet up with his mom (and some sweet mom-son moments that we'll never see with an older Sess) but was disappointed to see the insensitivity in taking Inuyasha to her unannounced, her crazed reaction to them (even if the shard spurred on her hate, it seemed to turn off immediately after the shard was removed - both seemed a little weird), and we’re left wondering about how on earth Naraku found her castle and got in, and managed to control her with the shard? He must’ve defeated her and forced the shard on her (which she could’ve taken out anytime later) or he convinced her to side against her own son and with him, a hanyou that she hates, instead - both seem very unlikely. I thought the castle can only be found by Sess? And I thought she was also very strong? This is still a wonderful story that I love, just the last few chapters felt like it lost a lot of momentum from the earlier ones (even the long chatty talks were fine haha) as it was redundant with Rin-Sess-Meido, things with his mom seemed glossed over and actually seeing his mom seemed unnecessary so it felt like it derailed the story quite a bit from the awesome direction it was going, well for me it felt that way. Just sharing my thoughts FYI :)

You wrote well, there were very little errors in the first half of the story (just the occasional word that needed tweaking), there were more from c7 onwards as there were more errors with tenses and sentence structures but it wasn’t too distracting, and honestly your unbeta’d chapters near the end wasn’t too much different from c7-13 so don’t worry. You still write better than a lot of native English speakers I’ve seen on this site :) If you’re interested in improving, two things would help 1) just remember ellipses are always three dots and you may choose to have no space (or one) before and/or after the three dots but must keep consistent throughout the whole story and 2) try remember to keep tenses in past tense (unless it’s speech that warrants present tense) as there were a few slipups in the 3rd person narratives but not a big deal so it’s more FYI if you’re interested.

Oh, and a huge congratulations on graduating and becoming a doctor! I hope you’re well and will finish the story someday. Take care!
Garta chapter 15 . 6/27/2016
I've read your fanfic a couple of years ago and reread it today. It's been 4 years since your last update, I do hope you will fined some time to write another chapter.
I really enjoy reading your work.
natkyolee chapter 14 . 5/24/2016
I thought the sword couldn't be used twice to bring back same person to life
Lady Astalis chapter 16 . 4/28/2016
And you stopped just as we were reaching the pinnacle of the story. Not fair. :( Please consider writing at least one more chapter to wrap it up, this is too good to give up on it. :)
Summer chapter 16 . 11/19/2015
plz keep going
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