Reviews for The Cruel Intersection of Dream and Memory
Freak4Anime chapter 1 . 9/22/2017
I love it.. It's so beautiful and deep orihime description of the story was touching and intense, it really brought out the beauty
A chapter 1 . 9/30/2015
This was amazing. You are a really talented writer with great style. Keep it up!
Galaxia chapter 1 . 12/8/2013
I've read many Bleach fanfics now since I picked up the series near the end of the Lost Agent arc, but I still come back to reread this one time and time again. It is, quite honestly, the best Bleach fanfic out there. It's emotional, evocative, tragic, and wonderfully written. I still remember the first time I read this - it was late at night, a time when I should've really been in bed, but I was completely spellbound by this fic. There was a slow horror building at what was coming with every new sentence, intensifying with each new viewpoint. And then, the true scope of the tragedy is revealed when it switches from dreams to memories, and it is worse than I could have possibly imagined. Just when it might be looking up and there might actually be a positive end to this emotional devastation, it is brutally yanked away. Heck, this is my 50th time reading this, yet I still teared up when Rukia says 'I told you it'd be alright' and I'm sure I still will when it's my 100th read.

Everything about this fanfic makes me want to gush praise about it. The juxtaposition of Orihime's fanciful tangents against the stark brutal reality is amazing, driving home the emotional impact of events. All the characters are so spectacularly spot on it hurts, especially Orihime herself. Ichigo's short clipped statements, which barely hint at the depths of his terrible pain. Byakuya's four word response, cold and cutting, destroyed not only Ichigo but also my heart. Orihime valiantly trying to keep up hope by repeating what Rukia said, but knowing inside there is no hope, it just made me tear up more. I really wish I could draw, there's so many vivid and poignant scenes in the fic one could make fanart of.
themirrorminder.372259 chapter 1 . 10/21/2013
This was excellent! Amazing writing! :D
teshichan chapter 1 . 7/19/2013
Hauntingly beautiful. Can totally imagine this happening in the canon... Although i sure as heck hope not! Or if it does, hope that something good happens after.
AnberlinEve chapter 1 . 6/5/2013
Coming back here again to review, this is just like how I remember it to be - truly tragically gorgeous. It is so realistic from Orihime's POV that it's almost frightening, in a good way of course. This made me so sad... :C It is almost certain from the feel of it that Rukia will never make it. I love how you incorporated the poem's last lines into the whole thing, as it fits in as the perfect, last piece of jigsaw puzzle to the entire beautiful tragedy.
JustGrace13 chapter 1 . 3/11/2013
How sad :( I like the way you told it from Orihime's perspective.
Fenris Jin chapter 1 . 2/26/2013
This story turned me into a complete mess of snot and tears.. I started crying on Yuzu's account of the incident..

Darn! This was so well written, I could feel the emotions and the way you wrote Inoue was brilliant. I think it was like looking thru it from the eyes of an innocent child, someone Orihime definitely stands for.

Instant Fave!
The Delightful Beast chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
this story is absolutely breath taking, 1 of the best fanfics i have ever read,when you are reading this it kinda makes everything slow down. Great story very dark and tragic.
NithyaTemperance chapter 1 . 5/24/2012
I loved this one!Its so surreal and vivid!I really hope you write more stuff like this in the future!I look forward to it!

Amazing work!:D
SilverandInk chapter 1 . 3/19/2012
This story... I really don't have any words (yet I'm going to try t construct a coherent review because you seriously deserve it). This is probably one of the most tragic, heart-wrenching and beautifully written Bleach stories I have ever read. There are so many fics that put forward the same scenario yet the way that you write it and perfectly capture every characters' heartbreak and pure personality is both incredible and haunting. The deconstructed style of writing is so wonderfully fitting to both Orihime and her distress (by the way she was the perfect narrator for this situation). You manage to capture every characters' personality to a T, even the ones that only have one or two lines. And the way you show Rukia's strength...

I don't think I'm going to be able to read this fic again which is seriously the farthest thing from an insult. In fact it's so terribly real and visceral (which I can only say about a hand-full of REALLY well-written fics) that I'm not sure I can do it without getting depressed. Okay, I think I'm done rambling but my god, I am in love with this story. One of the classics.
thymespirit01 chapter 1 . 1/17/2012
Woah. That was hauntingly beautiful. Dream-like, heartbreaking, tearjerking. You've captured the image of Orihime perfectly. Its perfect really. I love it. The way you added in her thoughts and the "dream" was wonderful.


It was lovely.
GuessWho25 chapter 1 . 8/9/2011
This was intense. That's all I can really say, I'm still a bit dumbstruck and awed by the fact that I can type . . .
luversblues chapter 1 . 7/11/2011
please continue this! c how orihime healed ichigo! pleasee1
sallythedestroyerofworlds23 chapter 1 . 7/9/2011
Holy...I don't even have any words. Perfect. It was horribly perfect.
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