Reviews for Hotwired
Myriad-13 chapter 28 . 9/13/2012
This is a fantastic story. Really, one of the best stories I have seen out there on CSI NY, and on Jess and Don especially. The characterisations, the tension, the plot, the was all perfect with hardly a misstep to be seen.

Definitely worth a favourite.
KarmaComesBackAround chapter 28 . 8/15/2012
Loved this story, it's nice to see ones with Angell actually alive, and I think they are really stupid for killing her off, even though it was ages ago!xx
Chica-Felton-Malfoy chapter 28 . 1/18/2011
Great story! You know, for a long time I've been dissapointed for the lack of creativity of the newest fanfiction writers and readers, they say that a story is great just because a few big words and some cheassy kisses... so I stopped reading fanfiction for some time but I just got hooked up with CSI:NY and started searching for good fanfiction. I found this and I couldn't stop reading, so here I am with no sleep at all and re-reading the best parts.

Great job and thank you... but now I'm more dissapointed because she's dead.
Runner043 chapter 28 . 5/7/2010
Just finished re-reading your story. Enjoyed it (again) very much.
Runner043 chapter 1 . 1/7/2010

Just finished reading Hotwired. Very good! You do have a way of putting in just enough detail. I'm new here to and don't know anything about those Awards you mentioned in one of your notes, but I hope you did well.
Runner043 chapter 9 . 1/6/2010
I've been reading your story "Hotwired" and am enjoying it very much. I just finihsed chapter 9 "Coincidences Made from Glass" and was wondering... when the paprmedics arrived, Captain Glass introduced 'Detecitve Taylor' & 'Detective Angell' then how come the parameic in the back of the ambulance called her Jessica? How did her know her first name? Perhaps this comes into play later, perhaps it means nothing, I'm just curious. I gotta get back to reading now.
Mel chapter 28 . 11/18/2009
I bow down to you my queen.

Holy _ this is one heck of a story.

Hugs and kisses

mel chapter 1 . 11/16/2009
i thk the plot bunnies for holding u hostage
justme667 chapter 5 . 7/13/2009
Pleaz hurry up and write more!
ChicciHannah chapter 28 . 1/16/2009
Excellent story. :-)

I loved it
The Sway Wannabe chapter 28 . 1/11/2009
Sequel please love it.
AndromedaMarine chapter 28 . 1/10/2009
WOW. This was one of the stories that I read all the chapters before reviewing... And I have to say that this is the absolute best CSI: NY fics focusing on Flack and Angell that I have EVER read. The writing was simply beautiful, the story even better!

Basched chapter 28 . 1/6/2009
Words cannot describe what I am feeling right now. With having to go to work the only major distraction, I have read this epic and outstanding story non-stop.

I am astounded and thrilled, every aspect of this story had me gripped and I experienced the entire range of emotions you have provided in your writing. I laughed at the perfection of Flack/Angel's banter and the teasing of Danny and the others. I fangirled at the romance, the beautiful descriptions of Don and Jess' connection, I was gripped by the case and how Flack and Angell's family knew each other in the past. Anguished and shocked at the marvelous plot you have weaved, there was never a dull moment!

I only regret that I had not noticed this before, when you were writing this. Else I would have made sure you would have gotten a chapter by chapter review from me. This is a favourite and I wish that the writers of CSI:NY could heed your story and make it a reality.

If this didn't win the NY:fanfiction competition, then I would seriously be doubting those judges decision! I would have voted for this...most definately.

You should be very proud of this story. It is amazing. Thanks for the great read!

none chapter 1 . 9/8/2008
I just finished reading this story. It was really wonderful. You wrote both the case and the personal relationship stuff very well and I found it had a really nice balance of the two. I think that you wrote the characters very "in-character" as well.

My one complaint is that you seemed to use "passed" instead of "past" in a few places. I am sure it would help if I could point to a specific place, but I can't. Sorry.
Dagon ng Likha chapter 28 . 9/7/2008
Amazing! You got me hooked on F/A.

While sometimes the words were a little Brit-speak (gumption, etc.), I absolutely loved the characterization! And kudos to the plot!
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