Reviews for Within the Cardboard Box
AnonReader chapter 29 . 1/30/2018
I know it's been years but I'm liking this story so far. Who would've thought that a stray codec message could lead to so much.

The only chapter I didn't feel was Chapter 29. There's a tendency in fanfiction and continuous works in general for a writer to use the character they like as a mouthpiece for their views on characters they don't like so much. To be fair, you did say it would be cringeworthy but I actually felt Snake was rather out of character in this chapter moreso than in the previous ones. It's weird to me that a guy who has seen so much bloodshed and failed relationships in his own world/game/whatever would suddenly be that sensitive. Since there isn't any insight (so far) as to how Sonic interacts with the rest of the cast, it just casts Sonic as a one dimensional annoyance. Maybe it gets better later on but it's one of the things I noticed in this chapter.

Also, Luigi is a pretty strong dude and he's not just a delicate flower. He fucked up a dream demon, deals with lava and all sorts of stuff, and probably goes through worse shit just being the brother of Mario. Sometimes in this story it's like he's being put into the role of "soft and sensitive" a bit too much.
Asami Hara chapter 29 . 8/28/2016
Dare I say it, this will always be a better love story/friendship than Twilight. I love your stories plus I have a new OTP!
Louie G chapter 38 . 8/3/2016
Holy smokes
It has been 2 weeks and I finally finished this fanfiction. I can't even believe it is over now, and I throughly enjoyed all of it!
I just wanted to say that this is my favorite fanfiction, and that you are a great writer. Thank you for this amazing story!
Smashgunner chapter 16 . 6/29/2016
Wait isn't the...wait you'll never get this.
Smashgunner chapter 10 . 6/29/2016
This is absolutely amazing. I k is you so never read these but this is a FUCKING. MASTERPIECE.
Smashgunner chapter 5 . 6/29/2016
I am really enjoying this story and look forward to reading more. Such a weird friendship makes for great results!
Smashgunner chapter 3 . 6/29/2016
Best story ever.
Smashgunner chapter 1 . 6/29/2016
SolarTBA chapter 34 . 5/4/2016
Oh that is F'ED UP!
Ironhart chapter 38 . 12/23/2014
Oh, this story. I remembered reading it a few years ago, when I was still in high school. I don't know exactly what lead it to return to my mind for an encore, but I've just finished reading through it again and I'm so utterly glad I did.

Sometimes, you just want to read a story that's plain nice. Within the Cardboard Box is a joy to read because it never needs to be anything but nice - it gives us a delightfully fluffy take on an already-eclectic cast of characters, combined with a oneshot format to give it an episodic feel, like weekly episodes of Snake and Luigi's Cuddle Hour, which have an addictive quality for me - just one more chapter, I tell myself at two in the morning, just one more. The darker chapters thus feel integrated rather than digressions from the theme, complementing the fluffier chapters with an element of shadow that grounds them in 'reality' - is that really a term applicable here? - as opposed to being a sprawling mass of baseless fluff.

You've done a good job with the characters, I think. Sometimes I found your characterisation a little over-fluffy - tabbing between Sons of Liberty cutscenes and Within the Cardboard Box on occasion was a little jarring, the character joyfully carrying Luigi bridal-style in one window delivering fatal sniper rifle shots to the crania of Russian terrorists in the other - but Snake's canonical personality does have a mischievous side that I, with a little work, could easily extend to the cuteapalooza. A couple characters came across as a little flat - notably Ganondorf, who goes from Irish jig with his archnemesis to brutally maiming people and little else - but of course, they're not the focus, and in a roster as large as Brawl's you have to leave some people out of focus or else your story ends up incredibly long or diluted. And while I'm on the subject of what I didn't really like, sometimes I felt the chapters were a little -too- short - but that's preference on my behalf - and it always felt a little odd when very alien characters like Meta Knight or Olimar were acting like 21st century humans, swearing by God and pointing out Earth's constellations, not Pop Star's.

The story has faults, some bigger than others, but look at me, trying to add concrit to a six year old fanfiction. This is just a review to say how much I've loved re-exploring the world of Within the Cardboard Box over these past thirty-eight chapters. It's really been a pleasure.
ThisisPorky.exe chapter 18 . 11/17/2014
I'm like half way into this and I already love it. My goodness, it's not very often you see these two interact much, and I'm so glad you've made a 38 chapter series with these two dorks! I can't wait to continue reading this - I have to blame you, though, 'cause I was up 'till 4 in the morning reading this. xD You make me want to write out some stories for these two. Awesome work!
Ashley the Fox chapter 38 . 10/16/2014
I love it! The whole story was wonderful, the ending was hilarious and the writing was great also.
Another thing, I proudly ship Snake/Luigi because of the fanfic.
Lumina Balderson chapter 38 . 7/26/2014
That was truly wonderful.

I enjoyed the interactions and character development, and Snake and Luigi's blossoming Friendship/not-quite-romantic-Relationship.

...Also, you've made me ship Snake/Luigi.
Raging Dreams and Nightmares chapter 38 . 4/1/2014
Poor Snake... EVERYTHING has eyes in the Mushroom Kingdom... Everything... Anyway Such a fabulous story, simply loved it. Along with the other friendships, and relationships, they fit well all together
Kat1374 chapter 38 . 2/18/2014
I'm so sad that it had to end it was such a wonderful story. I do hope that you continue to write more stories like these because if you do I'll certainly know. Consider me a new follower. Looking forward to the next one.
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