Reviews for One Another’s Shadow
thetucc chapter 13 . 11/9/2019
AMAZING! I loved the plot, the character development, the pace of the action, the relationship building, all of it! Everything was perfect! The strength and bond between Gene and Alex was so beautiful to watch develop and now I’m super excited to jump into the sequel. Thanks for writing and sharing!
thetucc chapter 8 . 11/8/2019
This chapter was everything. So perfect!
thetucc chapter 7 . 11/8/2019
Bottom line I love the way you have captured the blossoming relationship between Gene and Alex. It’s a natural progression yet they still have their moments of discourse because it wouldn’t be Gene and Alex without their explosive arguments.
thetucc chapter 6 . 11/8/2019
This story just gets better and better. The drama is perfect and well paced. I see it all playing out as if it was an actual episode. And I just love the relationship between Gene and Alex. You can really tell that Alex has gotten under Gene’s skin and it was touching to see how worried he was about Alex.
thetucc chapter 4 . 11/8/2019
I just love the way that the team is coming together to rally behind their Guv and look after him. And how Gene is putting up with it even though you know he hates the fuss. And I love the quiet moments between Gene and Alex at his house when it’s just the two of them.
thetucc chapter 1 . 11/8/2019
This was one of the first Ashes fics I read, and I decided to do a re-read before I jump into the sequel, and I’m really looking forward to revisiting this story. It’s probably the one that has stuck with me the most - a good storyline, characterization on point, well paced, etc. And this first chapter just sets it all up so nicely!
Kirinin chapter 1 . 3/6/2013
Why, hello! I like this. :)

It's very 'original flavor', sounds like it could be an episode.

Serena89 chapter 13 . 8/8/2012
OH MY GOD. After much searching, I found the perfect Ashes to Ashes fanfiction! This is definitely the best I've read so far, for the plot but most of all for your characterization. Very IC and true to the original characters. And I've loved the smut bits - they were tasteful, and I honestly think Gene would've been a gentle lover to Alex rather than some "dominator". They're equal - also loved Ray, Chris and Shaz. They're usually overlooked, but they were perfect in this story. Thank you!
JoinTheHunt1981 chapter 13 . 10/2/2011
Yay! They got there in the end :)

I thoroughly enjoyed this story! :)

Eleantris chapter 13 . 1/14/2011
Amazing story, truly amazing. Such a fantastic plot, with brilliant Galex and such incredible character developments with Gene, Alex, Ray, Chris and Crane. I absolutely loved this.

Drakey Drake chapter 13 . 4/11/2009
No! It can;t be The End. I absolutely LOVED this story so much. Ive spent the day reading it and I've printed it off. you have everything in this story I really think it could be on screen. That's how good it is. Please please please write more of it please. I can't belive it's been here and ive only found it now with about a week to go until the second series starts. I wish I'd seen it sooner. I LOVE IT!
Cortina-Quattro chapter 13 . 4/9/2009
Utterly love this story...!
Emmylou chapter 7 . 1/23/2009
Just working my way through this hidden gem of a fic now...but have to say that this may go down as my all time favourite line in any fic anywhere:

“Yes children. Mummy and Daddy had an argument but it’s over now. We love you all just the same. Except you, Christopher. Yeah. We’ve decided to put you up for adoption. Jesus!” He marched into his office, hoping the amusement didn’t show on his face.
Lady S. Quattro chapter 13 . 12/31/2008
Well it's taken me two days, but i've finally read the whole thing! It's a fantastic story and it made me smile... and laugh over and over again. You're Gene one liners are brilliant! I'm giving Kudos a call! ;) lol Cheers for taking the time to write this for us. All the best for 2009! LQx
SarahBlackwood chapter 1 . 10/24/2008
This officially has the best ever start to an Ashes fanfiction ever. ;o)

In fact the whole story is lovely. Thanks!
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