Reviews for Harry Potter and the Spiritual Awakening
isis424 chapter 11 . 8/1
Currahee506 chapter 11 . 1/8/2019
update please
G chapter 11 . 1/9/2018
As you can see ...
AkiraNatsume chapter 11 . 7/3/2015
Is this the same Dudley that was Dudley Dursley? He got adopted by the Diggory's? More chapters please by the way...
Dis Lexic chapter 11 . 2/12/2013
This is really good. Please update soon, I love this idea
Blinded in a bolthole chapter 1 . 12/4/2012
If I hazard a guess I would say Deadly Hollows which were supposed to be given by Death itself (which as far as I know has no real embodiment) are key to Dumbledore's knowledge.

in a HP-Bleach mixed world I would think their purpose was to literally conquer death: Stone to bring forth and preserve the passed away soul so it would not turn into a Hollow, Cloak to hide the soul from Reapers and Hollows detections by hiding its spiritual pressure (pretty much like that cloak of Urahara), and finally the Wand to perform the actual spells and bring the dead person back to life. Together they MIGHT be able to defeat death itself, that is until Shinigami learn of it and come down to "balance" things out as is their duty.
killroy225 chapter 11 . 6/22/2012
good story hope you will update soon. only critique i can find is the occasional misplaced letter other than that its good
Saffron-Rose chapter 11 . 2/14/2012
Update soon please. This is a really good story.
Justin chapter 1 . 11/20/2011
It looks interesting, but you should find someone to beta-read this and grammar-check it. And I think Dumbledore's lighter is called a "deluminator", or a "put-outer" (I'm not sure).

You're going to translate kido into English, but you won't use Soul Reaper in place of Shinigami? Come on. Also, reishi is literally "spirit particles", and all spirits- pluses/wholes (regular spirits), Hollows, and Shinigami- are all made of reishi. Shinigami have large amounts of reiryoku (spirit energy) which takes the form of a sword, not reishi.

I'm confused as to how Harry would supposedly become a Hollow. The whole point of a Horcrux is to *anchor* a piece of a soul, so the piece of Voldemort's soul in Harry would be anchored and not deteriorating and wouldn't Hollowfy. Harry's soul is still whole, still attached to his body, and apparently has spirit energy (reiryoku), so there's absolutely no reason for him to Hollowfy.

Also, if Harry's own spirit power is what's suppressing Voldemort's soul piece, then why would Takemaru suppress Harry's reiryoku? Unless I'm not seeing something, it seems like that would allow Voldemort's soul to more easily encroach on Harry's.
Jostanos chapter 11 . 10/31/2011

stormingnight chapter 11 . 10/20/2011
most interesting... looking forward to the interactions with Dudley
jgood27 chapter 11 . 10/7/2011
Love this story and can't wait to read more
Archmagelite2000yrs chapter 11 . 9/26/2011
I dont know, im not a fan of dudley, and i have my concerns as to his turning into another mary stew. As to him being "super harry" once he learns the name of his sword their is no way around that. Wizards just arent set up to dealing with a flash step and back stab. It would take some serious BSing to get the average wizard up to a "active" shinigamis combat level, only the bigger names could take on a leutenant alisair moody, or maybe a shacklebolt, maybe ur voldemorts, nicholas flammels and dumbledores could take on a captain, but i doubt it. Again flash step and backstab or a lvl 90 hado spell would "shake and bake" just about anything living. Mayuri's bankai for instance could kill an entire city in a few minutes with its poison. God help them if yammato decided to join in the fun, Ryujin Jakka can as its opening spell goes "reduce all creation to ash". Its a world ender, whether he blasts all life off the face of the planet or he puts a whole in the ozone layer, it all kinda just means Life is screwed. Thankfully he's on of the good guys if occasionally hard headed about laws and rules.

On the other hand wizards are much more versatile in their supernatural abilities than shinigami. To save their hide all a wizard needs do is apparate or portkey. Most of the teleportation abilites are forbidden shinigami, by law, so most dont even know about them. They can conjure and transfigure their way into living comfortably and charm/ward their homes inviolate to most things. But combat wise they just cant compete at the average to superior level, legendary wizards can probably go toe to toe with them though.
Archmagelite2000yrs chapter 7 . 9/26/2011
Ok so i liked that Sirius didnt go to jail, but i didnt like how easily he caved to harry going to the Dursley's. Secondly why would sirius allow the dursleys to treat him like that, a few threats would have gon a long way in his treatment.
Archmagelite2000yrs chapter 5 . 9/26/2011
Hmm takemaru "sorta" gives off the gary stew aura of cookie cutter. Perhaps a few paragraphs explaining how he looks, and inserting a few mannerisms early on would help. If he's stronger than yammato i think that might be alittle much, after all if he's stronger than yammato he could take on all of soul society anyway. No point in being exiled if u can just take over. Having Yuroichi be there might have been a better story hook, she probably travels all over the place anyway.

Your writing style is kinda on point, there's little description about how people look or the enviroment. Now most of that is solved in format, we all know what uruhara's shop and number 4 looks like from cannon. Though a little more detail might paint a more flowing picture.

Vizards using hollow abilities and even combining them with shinigami abilites is actually cannon, so all clear there.
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