Reviews for Naruto: ROTT II: Deathstroke in Konoha
liz chapter 15 . 6/8
cool backgranrd story for slade.
AngryLetter chapter 6 . 10/29/2017
I love your stories! Usually these kind of crossovers are just like three chapters long, but yours is one I can actually get into and enjoy for a while. Kind of like a book. I’m wondering though, in the beginning of this storyline way back when Naruto first met the Teen Titans, he couldn’t speak English. I mean, I know Cyborg made a translator for him, but now everyone in Kohona speaks English! I’m not really complaining or anything I’m just curious. Sorry if I missed something that explains the language quirk, but I’m just a little bit confused.
Guest chapter 15 . 9/1/2016
ThunderFist Slayer chapter 15 . 11/26/2014
Nice Slade Background's Story! Please Continue the story!
jiv chapter 15 . 7/26/2014
Old when you update your fic? I know you're up on your history. Please do your longest chapters.
Diamond Man chapter 15 . 1/25/2014
Hello! It's me again, and I have read all that you two have posted so far for this story. I must say that it's pretty damn good so far. I will be keeping an eye on this for future chapters. Congratulations for making a very captivating and interesting story.

- Diamond Man
rad.animes chapter 15 . 11/23/2013
I'm wondering kf you are still continuing this story
Kamis Lieutenant chapter 15 . 8/14/2013
Are u gonna finish the story or areu gonna be stupid and leave a good story to rot if ur not gonna continue then put it up for adoption
HalfwayParanoid chapter 15 . 7/23/2013 gonna finish. Are you gonna let Naruto explain his recent abence?
HalfwayParanoid chapter 9 . 7/23/2013
Umm...why didn't Naruto get a chance to explain about what happened in the earlier story? That didn't make sense.
kurifu gari chapter 15 . 7/4/2013
Dude this is a badass story I hope to see more of this
sortajan chapter 14 . 3/30/2013
It's been years I know, but I was rereading this story (I had been following it since you started the first one) and remembered how disappointed I was when it stopped getting updates. I always held out hope that it would get updated eventually. Anyways, if you ever do get around to updating it you're going to have at least one dedicated reader (although you'll probably have a lot more than that. 360 reviews for the sequel alone after all). If not, thanks for what you gave us. It's a Hell of a lot better than the rest of the Naruto/Teen Titans crossovers, that's for sure.

Best wishes
tray125 chapter 15 . 10/22/2012
That was bloody epic dude!
DaDarknessWithin chapter 15 . 3/8/2012
omfg im reading this in 2012 and the story hasn't been updated... im gonna die if i don't get an ending! plz update
DaDarknessWithin chapter 8 . 3/8/2012
...your gonna let jinix get raped? WTF :S
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