Reviews for AVDC
Guest chapter 25 . 4/2/2018
Wonderfully written. Wish you’d complete it
Marquess Dawn chapter 25 . 11/15/2013
I'm not sure if you visit the Malex boards anymore, or get e-mail notifications, so I figured I'd drop you a line here too:

After finding my way back to the Malex board, I figured I'd get myself back to Malex fic by reading this nice piece of yours. When I thought, hmm, what do I wanna reread first? My mind instantly came up with "Re-write of the OC with Alex instead of Ryan!" And here I am, two or three days later (only because I have some resemblance of a life), having read this whole thing.

And I have to say, it is so damned brilliant. All of it. Just he premise itself. And how you changed stuff and what new stuff you have added. Everything is so catching and riveting and I just did not want to stop. I love your comedy, it's super hilarious, and I love the pop culture references and I love the angst and the fluff is so damned cute! I just love this whole thing and I tried very hard to keep myself from laughing/grinning through the whole thing. I'd love to bring up just one thing that I like, but I can't, because everything is so great. The Malex, the bonus!Anna/Summer which is brilliant, and now Seth/Teresa. You are an amazing storyteller, truly.

Thank you for writing it. Though, *cough* not to bring up your own words...

QUOTE (circusfreak_88 Jul 19 2008, 07:00 AM)
Sorry it took so long. Don't worry I am going to finish this though. I swear to god, this has been two, maybe three, years of my life. I am going to finish this.

... and throw them in your face, but you swore :'(

I really hope that you might find your way back here one of these days, too, and finish this awesome, awesome story. Especially now that I see that you have written here that you are nearing an end to this! So, yes, please do finish this.
Crayon Stealer chapter 25 . 2/28/2013
i just finished reading this for like the 3rd time, still waiting for a update on this story.
AceEclipse chapter 25 . 12/20/2012
I feel like a real sucker coming back to read this when there is no ending, but after all this time, I still want one!
S.O.NofaGleek chapter 25 . 12/2/2012
Heyy I really love this story I hope that you someday continue it. :)
A.Cathlyn.C chapter 25 . 7/16/2011
I like this story and especially the character deveolpment. good job and update this soon. :)
razmataz13drums chapter 25 . 7/8/2011
Hey I love this story by the way. It has drama bit not in an Eastenders lame way. It has great character development, I'm glad you didn't make everything like a Disney ending, just because you move places doesn't necessarily change any of your problems and of course not your personality, so I'm glad you kept that realistic. I like how both marissa and Alex invariably share responsibility in their relationship problems, it wasn't one sided. And as far as Oliver is concerned I was kinda feeling bad for the guy, I know he lied which was awful, but there comes a point where you got to support a friend even in their low, but Alex's reaction was completely justified and understandable especially with marissa, I understand Alex's feeling of utter portrayal. I have to be honest I've never seen a single episode of The OC, but I did see House, not that that helps much. So I have no idea whether the story, vibe, it characters were true to the show but I don't really care because its really awesome. And finally can I just share how refreshing it is for me to actually understand the references. Anyways have no idea whether you're updating or not but if you are I shall read it :) thanksfor the read and a mire enjoyable bus ride through the joy that is Luton, I'm just thankful I didn't get stabbed :P
razmataz13drums chapter 2 . 7/6/2011
kerouac, Jeff buckley, the clash, arctic monkeys all in one chapter... my favourite of kerouac's is on the road but tgen The Dharma Bums is also pretty good. You just need to mention East Of Eden by Steinbeck and you'll have covered my two favourite books. Man I forgot the kaiser chiefs existed u used to be really into them a few years ago. So the story- I actually love it. I don't know what loafers are either.. not sure if that's an American thing or I'm just being a bloidy idiot. So yeah poor Alex, she's actually been doing these good intentioned things and everything is blowing up in her face without her being able to do anything about it.
gdaly chapter 1 . 12/29/2010
Loved the first chapter: )

Great storyline idea.
Miguel51 chapter 25 . 11/2/2010
More! I demand more of this great story! I wanna see if Seth finally get the girl, if Alex and Marissa's relationship survives their various neuroses (bad spelling sorry), and more Summer and Anna would be nice as well. So get to it, buddy!
Miguel51 chapter 24 . 11/2/2010
Poor Luke! ...wait, did I just show empathy for the bad guy? Oh, well!
Miguel51 chapter 23 . 11/2/2010
Alex does raise a fine question. Isn't drama usually a weekend thing? Anyhow, onto the next chapter!

...oh, yeah, loving the whole incestuous L-word-esque thing they discussed on their way to gather up Seth. Funny!
Miguel51 chapter 22 . 11/2/2010
That was certainly a 'doh!' moment on Luke's part at the end there, accidently letting it slip to Marissa that he's banging that fine cougar Mrs. C, yea?
Miguel51 chapter 21 . 11/2/2010
Okay, is it wrong that I was laughing through most of this chapter?
Miguel51 chapter 20 . 11/2/2010
Whoa, total BtVS moment at the end there. It suits them though, don't it?
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